A philanthropist at heart, Josiane donates her time and talents to benefit many and has been nominated as the Goodwill Ambassador of a charity called Y.A.N.A. (You Are Not Alone) which focuses its efforts on helping Lebanese families, mothers and children deal with the hardship of life. www.facebook.com/yanaccu ; www.twitter.com/yanaccu ; http://www.yanaccujm.org/
You can usually see Josiane on a local tv station (MTV) every Monday night in "Ktir Salbe", a comedy show. Additionally, Josiane participated and sang on MTV's new talents show "Hek Minghanneh" so visit this link to watch the show online and judge for yourselves!!
You can watch Josiane interpreting her favorite songs on http://www.youtube.com/ or click here for her version of "Hot Stuff".
Join Josiane's FB fan page here: www.facebook.com/josianeelzir
Join Josiane's FB fan page here: www.facebook.com/josianeelzir
or follow her tweets on http://www.twitter.com/josianeelzir
No one like her :)
relay i love joseeeeee
The best! The only real star
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