Tuesday, October 23, 2012

To support families from Ashrafieh blast...

From Lebanon:
  • send letter "A"to 1105 by SMS to donate 1$ to Yourhibat
  • through BLC Dekwaneh account # 100361736# Beirut
  • a fundraising concert by USJ students Thursday 25.10.2012 at 20:30 in USJ-mathaf. 
  • HOTLINE 70 00 13 19 is at the disposal of the Families for any support especially housing
  • "Donner Sang Compter": NGO which promotes safe blood donations in Lebanon. www.facebook.com/DSClebanon ; www.twitter.com/DSClebanon

From outside Lebanon: Iban # LB8400110000 0000 1001 0036 1736

more info:
Concert planned in solidarity with Ashrafieh victims

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Beirut’s Twin Raouche Rocks in PINK for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The weather is turning cooler and the leaves are starting to change colors... However, did you know that October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Check out how the Lebanese Breast Cancer Foundation, the AUBMC, and the Municipality of Beirut decided to send an awareness message through lighting Beirut’s Twin Raouche Rocks in PINK. 
Share this and spread awareness about Breast Cancer...

Friday, October 05, 2012

Chocol'art - Beirut

This year's event in Beirut is in support of the Brave Heart Fund at the Childrens' Heart Center at AUB Medical Center. On 20th October at Beirut Souks starting 08:00pm.

Over 60 artists and fashion designers will be participating including international Lebanese designer Abed Mahfouz.

With over 1,000
cupcakes on offer and much more sweet stuff, this event promises to be the BIGGEST chocolate event in Lebanon.

The event is a ticketed event.

The cost is $50 and 100% of the proceeds will go to the Charity BRAVE HEART.

for tickets info: please call 01 350 00 ext 5590 or they can be purchased at Antoine's Library in Beirut Souks or visit www.facebook.com/chocolart.me;

Check out the facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/453893727967309/

Who is Josiane El Zir? A brief Biography.


An artist for 13 years and it all started when she won the "Miss Nadine" Cover Girl title in 1999 at age 15.

TV Presenter, actress, singer and entertainer.

Currently presenting a new game show "Shakhsiye aw Ghenniye" which airs every Sunday night on LBCI and LBC Europe at 9:30pm Beirut time! http://www.lbcgroup.tv/shakhsiye-awghenniye.

The multi-talented Josiane El Zir is known for her candid honesty and bluntness and her many unique fashion styles over the years.

Previous TV programs include:
-"Ya Leil ya Ain" with Mireille Mazraani on MBC
-"Ahla Alam" on al-Mustaqbal TV
-"Ovrira" on OTV
-"Ktir Salbe" on MTV (Murr TV)

مقدمة برامج قبل أن تكون ممثلة، تعلمت أصول الإلقاء والتقديم عند الاستاذ عمر الزين ليرحمه الله، ودرست في الجامعة السينما والإخراج. قدمت مع ميراي مزرعاني «ليل يا عين» و«ليالي دبي» وبرامج أخرى وهي ابنة الـ 16 عاما

As a side business, Josiane is co-owner of a boutique "Cravate et Corset" in Dekwane, Beirut.

Currently working on her first English music album. It will include 10 songs in English, all of which she wrote and composed as JEZZ . She released two songs from this album. The first is called "Under My Skin" and the second is "Sweet Talk to Me" and they are currently playing on the radio.