Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Arab-International Forum of Young Entrepreneurs and Business Persons

L.I.B.A.N. has the pleasure to invite you to attend the First Arab-International Forum of Young Entrepreneurs and Business Persons organized by L.I.B.A.N. (Lebanese International Businessmen Associations' Network).

It will be held under the Patronage of H.E. General Michel SLEIMAN, President of the Republic of Lebanon and in the presence of HRH Prince Talal Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, in Beirut Lebanon, on September 30th-October 1st 2011, at Phoenicia Intercontinental Hotel.

The Forum will witness the 4th MAME YE (Young Entrepreneurs Associations from Europe, Africa & the Middle East) Meeting.

The two-days forum will present a platform for young Entrepreneurs and Businesspersons from all over Africa, Europe and Middle East to meet in Lebanon upon the invitation of their Lebanese counterpart, L.I.B.A.N, which is the sole national and international association that represents Leading Lebanese Young Entrepreneurs & Businesspersons in Lebanon and abroad.

This unique gathering is co-organized by UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization ),the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture in Lebanon, and General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in the Arab countries, with the active partnership of ESA ( Ecole Supérieure des Affaires ), IDAL (Investment & Development Authority of Lebanon), and support of ILE ( Institute of Leadership Excellence – MEPI Alumni ).

The forum aims to :
- open a channel of communication and networking between all participants from different sectors/countries,
- create B2B meetings,
- brainstorm among participants on contribution in socio-economic development and Corporate Social Responsibility
- provide an exciting opportunity for all young entrepreneurs to be mentored
- benefit from starting constructive debate with success stories
- to establish strong collaboration with the associations of young entrepreneurs in the target countries.
We look forward for your participation in this unprecedented gathering.

For more Details and Registration, please click here:

Also note that there is a registration fee (non refundable) for the event (150 USD).

Friday, August 26, 2011

Dévastation et Rédemption – Récits d’Apparitions de la Vierge Marie au Liban (1960-2005)

Posted on August 26, 2011 by youmny

Écrivain à L’Orient Le Jour, Fady Noun publie son livre “Dévastation et Rédemption” par l'USJ (Université St Joseph). Le Livre est tellement marquant que je ne saurai l’expliquer ou le critiquer. Pour garder mon objectivité je vous laisse en juger en rapportant quelques extraits. Que vous soyez croyant ou pas, je suis sûre que le texte ne vous laissera pas indifférents.
Le Pape Jean Paul II et le Liban

Le Pape a œuvré pour sauver le Liban, et le Liban a prié pour sauver le Pape.

“Priez, et faites prier pour le Liban” – le pape Jean Paul II

Dés son élection en 1978, Jean Paul II propulse le Liban au premier plan, et œuvre pour son unité. Derrière cette motivation, une histoire touchante :

Sous l’incitation de Gilberte Doummar, le pape explique à Stéphane Vilkanovitch: Quand en 1978, après son élection, Jean Paul II sort au balcon pour saluer la foule sur la place Saint Pierre, malgré l’interdiction des bannières, il en voit une qui se lève, «Saint-Père, sauvez le Liban». A la fin de la célébration, il rentra et s’agenouilla devant l’Eucharistie, et demanda à Jésus, de lui donner «assez de vie pour sauver le Liban”.
Un évêque “vêtu de blanc” (le pape disaient les voyants) […], tombe à terre “comme mort sous les coups d’une arme à feu” – Troisième Secret de Fatima

Des mois avant l’attentat, Sœur Mathilde Riachi, envoi un message d’avertissement au pape à travers le patriarche, qui prend l’avertissement à la légère mais avertit, quand même, le nonce apostolique, qui sourit, mais transmet, de même, l’avertissement au Vatican. Au Liban, Sœur Mathilde incite les gens à prier pour le pape, “le pape est en danger, priez pour lui” leur disait-elle.

En 1981, l’attentat a eu lieu, le Pape s’en sort vivant, par une providence divine, “la main de la Vierge a dévié la balle” dit-il.

Mathilde Riachi: Ministère Prophétique

La Mission

“Tu tiens entre les mains un message “rissala” au monde” lui dit la Sainte Vierge dans sa première apparition, alors que Mathilde Riachi n’avait que 7ans.

A l’église Saint-Georges des Grecs Orthodoxes sur la place de l’étoile et à l’église voisine de Saint-Georges des maronites, Mathilde Riachi reçoit la même vision : “au moment de l’offertoire, elle voit dans un ravissement inexprimable, l’enfant Jésus à la place du pain, des gouttes de sang, ou des fils lumineux, relient l’offrande au calice et aux personnes qui communient.” La Sainte Vierge lui explique ces visions: “mes enfants morcelles mon fils, bien que sa grâce est la même dans toutes les églises. Je souhaite que tu œuvres à l’unité de l’église.”

“Comment le ferais-je alors que je ne sais ni lire ni écrire?”

Fille Presque illettrée, ne sachant ni lire ni écrire, Mathilde Riachi recevra des messages en différentes langues qu’elle prononce syllabe par syllabe. Elle se jettera à la rencontre des plus grands représentants religieux et politiques du pays, “aux présidents de la république, au commandant en chef de l’armée, le général Iskandar Ghanem, à la gendarmerie, à la sûreté générale […] à Camille Chamoun, à Sleiman Frangie, à Raymond Edde, à Pierre Gemayel” pour les avertir des dangers que le Liban cours avant qu’ils s’accomplissent, sous la demande de la Sainte Vierge. Elle parcours le territoire Libanais, en priant le rosaire du matin au soir, visitant ces églises et en enfonçant des croix blanches bénites par un prêtre aux creux des mures des églises. Pour protéger le Liban, elle fait jeter de l’eau bénite sur les maisons par l’intermédiaire d’un hélicoptère, même au dessus de la mer, à en arriver jusqu’à chypre.

“Comment! Le Liban est en danger et tu dors?” la réveille un soir la Sainte Vierge. Elle ira jusqu’à prier vingt trois heures par jour, ne dormant qu’une heure. A l’exemple de Jésus Christ, Sœur Mathilde accomplis même un jeune de 40 jours sans rien manger ni boire, pour le salut du Liban. Des dons innombrables qu’elle reçoit, Fady Noun cite celle de la guérison, de la prophétie, des langues, entre autres.

Entre Faits et Foi

“La Vierge saigne pour le Liban”
- Mgr Maximos Salloun

Dans Dévastation et Rédemption, Fady Noun, prend bien soin de relater les apparitions de la Vierge Marie qui ont eu lieu au Liban entre 1960 et 2005. Il cite entre autres: la Vierge qui tourne à Harissa en 1967, et 1989, les apparitions mariales au dessus de l’église Saint Pierre et Paul des Syriaques Orthodoxes à Mousseitbe en 1970, le miracle de Rmeich en 1983, le miracle de Bechouate en 1975-76 et 2004. Son récit retrace une à une ces apparitions en les relatant à la situation politique de leur époque. Il explique «une relation entre le pêchée de l’homme et ses conséquences dans l’histoire ».
Notre Dame du Liban

Mathilde Riachi note l’importance que tiens le Liban aux yeux de la Sainte Vierge “Il existe des liens privilégiés entre Notre-Dame et le Liban, assure-t-elle. Elle attribue ces paroles à Notre-Dame “le Liban m’appartiens, et à personne d’autre” (loubnan melki, mish laghayri) ou encore “ma patrie, le Liban” (watani loubnan).”

Des Prophéties en Cours

“L’histoire du monde est inséparable de l’histoire du salut”
- André Frossard

Mathilde Riachi expose dans la Bible, au sujet du Liban: Zacharie Chapitre 11 “Ouvre tes portes, Liban, et que le feu dévore tes cèdres!” mais encore: Isaïe Chapitre 12 “Tu diras, ce jour-la; Je te rends grâce, Yahvé, tu étais en colère contre moi, mais ta colère s’est calmée et tu m’as consolé!”

De la guerre au Liban, Mathilde Riachi a affirmée: “elle (Notre Dame) m’a dit que la guerre au Liban commencera par être confessionnelle, qu’elle revêtira ensuite une dimension régionale et finira comme un conflit mondiale. Comment? Je l’ignore. C’est le monde entier qui sera impliqué. Ses apparitions se multiplieront aux quatre coins du monde, comme autant d’avertissements, pour que le plus grand nombre d’êtres humains soient sauvés, avant le grand coup.”

Mathilde Riachi a toujours eu le sentiment que le Liban se relèvera mais que ce triomphe dépend en grande partie de l’unité et de la repentance des chrétiens. “Le chanteur populaire Wadih el Safi se rappelle avoir entendu Mathilde lui dire: “N’aie pas peur pour le Liban. Toute main qui aura coupé ne fut-ce qu’une tige verte au Liban sera coupée”. 

To view the video, click on the link below:
Kitab is a book review segment in which books and authors are discussed. Whether with a special guest or without, the main point is always the book. Famous writers in the three languages (Arabic, French and English) are received to discuss their biography, their writing style and their latest works. Also, new book releases are discussed and reviewed by our two hosts, who are both also published writers.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lebanon, Make Way for a Faster Internet Connection!

It seems that the days of the snail like internet connection that has plagued Lebanon are soon to be over. We’ve had our share of nail nibbling, nervous lip biting, and that weird habit of self-induced hair pulling whenever the internet slowed down, and now, the odd habits that we’ve developed will come to an end! Lebanese students, entrepreneurs, business persons, companies, investors, poets, artists, housewives and ‘housebands’ are soon to reap the benefits of fast research, communication, and time management.

That’s great news for almost everyone out there.

Lebanon’s fastest internet connection which used to be 1 Mb/s will now be the slowest, for a much cheaper price. Here’s the preliminary price list of Ogero and other internet connection providers. Ogero is selling at a slightly higher price though. We do not know if they’re providing extra services yet.
Posted by Pascale M. under News & Trends

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lebanon bans smoking in public places

August 17, 2011 01:45 PM
The Daily Star

BEIRUT: Lebanon's Parliament Wednesday endorsed a law banning smoking in all enclosed public places, including restaurants, bars, cafes and offices.

The law was presented for vote with an amendment that would see owners of businesses fined if they fail to prevent their costumers smoking, and will also fine individuals who violate the ban.

Under the new law tobacco advertising and promotion will be illegal, including billboards, magazine advertisements and tobacco company sponsorship of events and concerts. The bill also calls for a pictorial warning of the dangers of smoking covering 40 percent of each pack.

The law also makes smoking onboard planes illegal.

Hotels are allowed to set aside 10 to 20 percent of their room for smokers.

Companies now have a set period in which to implement the new policies.

Lebanon has been obligated to pass tobacco control legislation since the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which the country signed, entered into force in 2005

Also set to be considered Wednesday is a draft law which would equalize marriage discounts for working men and women who pay income tax. Currently, married women receive less of a discount on their income tax than married men.

A draft law which would give compensation to ex-detainees of Syrian prisons is also on the table, as is legislation that would bump up the employment status and pay grade of employees and retirees of the Ministry of Telecommunications.

(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

"Peinture Dans la Nature" in St. Stephano Resort - Batroun

Latifa-Art, the leader in Lebanon in Bringing Traditions Into Life, is organizing its first Artistic Excursion to the North of Lebanon on August 18th, 2011.

Join us to discover new passions; Where Art meets History and Leisure

8:30 AM meeting in the public parking coming from DT Next to Campomatic Company, Under the Pedestrian Passengers
9:30 AM: Arrival to the St. Stephano Resort and Settlement in the nature under the palm trees facing the sea
10 - 11:30 AM Starting the Painting Session (optional subject: A view of the nature with acrylic colors)
11:30 - 11:45 AM Coffee Break
11:45 - 1:15 PM Continuing the Session
1:15 - 2:15 PM Lunch (Lebanese Cuisine)
2:15 - 6:15 PM Swimming and a tour with a professional guide in the Souks of Batroun to discover the Old Sites of the village.

Price: 75$ / Person. Including Transportation, Painting Session, Coffee Break, Lunch, Access to the Resort, Canvas painting and a Touristic Tour. (Special Price for 5 people & more)

Bring with you: A Hat, Swimming Suit, Towel, Sun Protection and Jogging Shoes.

For Reservation call: +961 3 863158 (places are limited)

Monday, August 08, 2011

Orange House Project

Eco Lodge - Bed & Breakfast / Sea Turtle Conservation

For millennia, sea turtles have swum ashore every summer to lay their eggs on beaches in what is now southern Lebanon. After incubation, the hatchlings race across the sand from their nests to the sea at night. A chance encounter with a sea turtle one night in 1999 inspired Mona Khalil to create the conservation project at Mansouri and Kolaila that is unique in Lebanon. Mona, then living in the Netherlands, had returned to Lebanon to visit her family’s beachfront farm. One moonless night, she was amazed to spy a green turtle laying eggs on the beach – and when she discovered that turtles were in danger of vanishing from Lebanon, she immediately knew what she would do when she came back to live there. In 2000, just after Israel withdrew its troops from south Lebanon, Mona and her assistant Habiba began restoring the farmhouse, researching turtles and consulting experts on how they could protect them. This turned out to be labour-intensive – keeping the beach clean, daily monitoring to gather data during the nesting season from May to September, relocating nests higher up the beach if they were threatened by agriculture runoff or sea flooding and installing metal grids to protect them from predators. “We were spending a lot of money on the sea turtle project and no one was helping us, so we decided to rent out a room,” Mona recalls. That was the beginning of the Orange House bed-and-breakfast, an eco-tourism venture that helps fund the project.In 2006, Israel’s war in Lebanon briefly forced Mona & Habiba to leave the farmhouse, which was damaged two days later by an Israeli bomb. But the 34-day conflict did not deter the turtles, which laid 79 nests that summer, the highest number since the project began. The war had kept people off the beach, leaving the turtles undisturbed. But it also brought a new predator in the shape of foxes, apparently driven from the hills by intense shelling. More than two years later, they are still around, having become more adept at raiding nests than the dogs that were previously the main threat. Illegal dynamite fishing near the shore and rubbish on the beach also endanger the turtles. Human activity and lights during the night on the beach can prompt females to drop their eggs instead in the water, where they are doomed. Mona and her assistant try hard to spread ecological awareness among local people and visitors in a conflict-torn country where environmental issues have had a low priority.

Early every morning is when we go on rubbish patrol along the beach, putting litter and washed-up trash into bags that will later be removed by the municipality. Turtles and other marine life on the Lebanese coast are threatened by pollution that includes plastic bags, hospital waste, factory chemicals and fertiliser run-off from farms. Plastic bags in the water can suffocate turtles, which mistake them for jelly fish and try to eat them.During the nesting season, we also look for tracks of turtles and their efforts to camouflage their nests. Once we find the eggs, which need 45 to 60 days to incubate, we remove some sand and lay a one square metre metal grid over them, anchored with iron hooks. This keeps out dogs and foxes, but leaves holes big enough for hatchlings to get out. Sometimes we relocate the nests further up the beach if they are in danger of flooding from the sea or if they are too shallow.To get a clear picture of how sea turtles behave during the nesting season and what their needs and preferences are, we collect scientific data, which can also be fed, into bigger surveys on Mediterranean Sea turtles. We count the nests and measure how far each one is from the sea and from the nearest vegetation. We measure the size and weight of sample eggs, which are about as big as ping-pong balls. We record how many nests are raided before the eggs hatch – and try to rescue any survivors.
Phone: +961 7 320063

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