Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Small Bear Big Heart: ABC Mall helps Children with Autism

Here is an article written on Beiruting.com: http://lifestyle.beiruting.com/2010/abc-small-bear-big-heart

"Let there be magic!

ABC has so many ways to give back this Christmas. This Christmas spread the season’s magical spirit with ABC! Open your heart, share the love and draw a smile to lighten up the world and give every child in need a falling star to keep in his heart.

And you can do this with us!

Buy a “Small Bear with a Big Heart” in any of the ABC branches, to help our tree grow bigger
and bigger for Christmas time and raise funds for a human cause.

You can support us online by playing the Teddy Bear game: http://www.smallbearbigheart.com/ Or you can join our official Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/abc.officialpage

Give one minute of your time to children with autism with the light of hope! Write a wish, donate 1$ while playing the Teddy Bear game and get the best scores to win a special gift and help us build the Teddy Bears Christmas Tree.

“Humanity is all what we’re left with once we’re left with nothing”

ABC Team, with love "

Monday, November 22, 2010

Captain & Captain: Now in CITYMALL

Innovative Gift shop Gifts for Men by Personality

Take our fun personality quiz or Shop online on http://www.captainandcaptain.com/

Captain & Captain is open in Dbayeh (see map below) & will be open in CITYMALL as of this Friday 26.11.2010!

Happy Independance Day Lebanon!

Even Google is celebrating Lebanon's "independance" day!

Monday, November 08, 2010

اليوبيل الذهبي لجامعة إتحاد القلوب بقلبي يسوع ومريم

OPEN INVITATION TO ALL - the 50th anniversary for the establishement of CCUJM! everyone is welcome to join us on Nov. 12th at the Patriarchat Roum Melkiyin Catholic, El Sham road at 6pm! http://www.ccujm.org/.
REMINDER: CCUJM is the founding congregration for the Y.A.N.A. (You Are Not Alone) project! www.yanaccujm.org ...; www.faceboo...k.com/yanaccu

Monday, August 09, 2010

Lebanese craft workers 'struggle' to survive

8 August 2010 Last updated at 06:00 GMT

Help Lebanon has a reputation for cultivating local crafts, from metalwork to woodwork and many are still making a living from their traditional skills.

But faced with cheaper imports from China and India it is getting tougher to survive.

This has prompted some to try to raise the profile of local craftsmen.

Katy Watson reports... check the link:


Monday, July 19, 2010

إحياء" للذكرى الرابعة والثلاثين لإستشهاد القائد وليم حاوي

نظم إقليم كسروان- الفتوح الكتائبي إحتفالا" تكريميا" بالمناسبة مساء الأربعاء 14 تموز في باحة الإقليم في جونيه

شارك في الإحتفال
النائب الاول لرئيس الحزب الاستاذ شاكر عون ممثلا الرئيس امين الجميل
نائب الأمين العام الاستاذ وليد فارس
عضو المكتب السياسي الدكتورة ماريا جود البايع
الأستاذ شوقي الدكاش ممثلا" رئيس الهيئة التنفيذية في القوات اللبنانية الدكتور سمير جعجع
رئيس إقليم كسروان-الفتوح الكتائبي الرفيق سامي خويري, واللجنة التنفيذية في الإقليم
رئيس بلدية جونيه الأستاذ انطوان أفرام وعدد من أعضاء المجلس البلدي
رئيس بلدية غزير الأستاذ ابراهيم حداد
رئيس جمعية تجار جونيه السيد طوني مارون
مستشار وزير الشؤون الإجتماعية الأستاذ فارس مدور
عدد من رؤوساء الإقليم السابقين: الرفيق شاكر سلامه والرفيق جورج كساب
عدد من الرموز والقيادات الحزبية السابقة: جوسلين خويري– ناصيف نخول – بوب حداد
عدد كبير من رؤوساء الأقسام الكتائبية في كسروان- الفتوح
زوجة الرفيق بطرس خوند وإبنته
إضافة" الى حشد كتائبي كبير من مختلف المناطق اللبنانية

بعد النشيد الوطني اللبناني, كانت كلمة لنائب رئيس إقليم كسروان- الفتوح الأستاذ غسان مقوم, جاء فيها

في مثل البارحة, وفي 13 تموز 1976 إستشهد الرفيق القائد وليم حاوي, وفي مثل اليوم كان تشييعه
في تل الزعتر سقط وليم شهيدا"
هناك سقط, شامخا", متمردا", حرا", أبيا"
هناك, حيث كان الدم الأرجواني القاني, هو وحدهالذي يتكلم, متجاوزا" كل كلام, محطما" كل المؤامرات
هناك كان الإستشهاد أبلغ كلام, أبلغ رسالة

من جسر الباشا, الى تل الزعتر, الى الكرنتينا
ومن عين الرمانة, والشياح الى الهوليداي إن
ومن عيون السيمان الى صنين, الى الزعرورمن كل تلك المواقع الى كل لبنان مقاومة كتائبية وليمية بشيرية أصيلة, شريفة قاتلت بنبلوشهامة وأعطت بسخاء وشجاعة في أحلك الظروف فحمت هذه الأرض وصانت هذه الجبال ومن خلفها لبنان
مع وليم حاوي شكلت القوى النظامية في الكتائب المقاومة الأولى في لبنان, فكان هو وكوكبة من الرفاق الأبطال طلائع قوة رائعة أحبها الكتائبيون والحلفاء واحترمها الغرباء واستهابها الأعداء.مقاومة وليم حاوي لم تمس يوما" كيان الدولة, بل كانت في سبيل قيام الدولة وبقائها قوية أبية
وليم حاوي فهم المقاومة وسيلة سامية للحفاظ على الوطن في زمن المحن والفتن, وليم أسس مقاومة شكلت حزام أمان لبقاء الوطن لا حزام تفجير للوطن
وليم حاوي عرفته كل مخيمات التدريب وكل جبهات القتال
عرفته وحفظته عن ظهر قلب, فنحتت على جبهته بل على كل جسده ذكرياتها الصاخبة المدوية فكان لا بد لجسد وليم ان يختار قبرا"واسعا"هو ساحة الميدان, ساحة الشرف فإستشهد واقفا" كما الأشجار الباسقة العملاقة, لا تموت إلا واقفة
وبعد وليم... وليم...
أربعة وثلاثون عاما" ولم ينقطع حبل السرة بينك وبيننا, حاضر أنت كالنبض, كالوجدان, كالضمير في قلوب رفاق عرفوك فأحبوك أو سمعوا عنك فقدروك
وليم... ذكراك, كما ذكرى الكثيرين من المناضلين الشرفاء لا تنقضي بمرور الزمن بل تكون منهلا" ومنارة

" لبيك لبنان " أطلقتها شعارا" وستبقى
" لبيك لبنان " قد قلت على صخب فأنت حر, وفي فتواك تصطخب
" لبيك لبنان " نهج لن نغيره مهما الشدائد تشتد وتضطرب
كتائب المجد الى الصخرين شاخصة ودأبها العز, لا بل دأبها الغضب
إن تسأل الشمس فهي خير شاهدة من صانها الساح؟ نحن الصون والعصب
كتائب العز ها قد عاد ملعبنا فدربنا الحق, لا بل دربنا الشهب
إن غاب نسر, لهيب الجرح يجمعنا لا يشرب الخمر إن لم يعصر العنب

وكانت كلمة لإبنة الشهيد وليم حاوي السيدة ليلى حاوي ذود

إننا منذ فجر التاريخ شعب لا يهاب الموت متى كان الموت طريقا" للحياة
أبناؤه هم أبناء الحرية لا يموتون كهولا" بل شبابا" ثائرا", يسقط منتصبا" ووافقا"
أبناؤه يولدون ولا يموتون, ليسوا كسواهم ولن يكونوا أبدا" كذلك لأنهم منذرون للبقاء والخلود
هؤلاء هم شهداء لبنان الذين لم يحملوا السلاح إلا في سبيل الدفاع عن الوطن, هؤلاء هم شهداء الكتائب اللبنانية

لبنان الشرف, قدسوا
لبنان الحق, نادوا
لبنان الطهارة, رتلوا
أحبوا حتى النهاية

إستماتوا بجسارة لإنقاذ لبنان وشعبه, والذود عنهما, قناعتهم دائما" وأبدا" أن الأشخاص زائلون أما الوطن فباق
قدم حزب الكتائب اللبنانية الكثير للبنان وعلى مذبحه نتذكرهم قدوة في الشجاعة والبطولة, أمناء لمبادئهم, مخلصين لإلتزاماتهم, متصلبين في واجباتهم, وننحني اليوم أمام تضحياتهم

لكل شهيد قصة ولكل قصة معاناة وغصة, بفضل جهادهم عاش لبنان, وتقدس بدمائهم
واليوم هو محطة من سسلسلة محطات تشهد على البطولة والتضحية, فهو محطة نقف عندها للتذكر والتذكير فهو ذكرى إستشهاد وليم حاوي

أنضم وليم الى حزب الكتائب اللبنانية عام 1936 عندما أمن بأن السياسة لم تكن تملقا" ومحاباة أو حكم رياء, ونظر إليه كما يجب أن يكون مؤسسة ديمقراطية إكتسبت ثقة الناس ومحبتهم
إنتظم فيه ونظم
ركز على الإنضباطية وكان همه أن لا بفقد في إنتصاراته القيم والأخلاق
قائدا" مقداما" كان, لا يعرف الخوف الى قلبه سبيلا"
أية معركة لم يخضها وليم حاوي قائدا" وعلما" وقدوة" ورائدا"؟
منذ كانت معركة الإستقلال, الى أحداث 1958, فإلى حرب السنتين التي عشتها أمالا" وألاما", أرى صورته في مقدمة صفوف المناضلين
خاض المعارك ذد الفساد وخاض معارك التحرير وتوج نضاله الحزبي والسياسي بالإستشهاد في أرض المعركة, معركة تل الزعتر, لأنه كان في مقدمة الجبهة وما كان يوما" إلا في المقدمة
مات كما أراد أن يموت, مرفوعا" على الأكتاف وملفوفا" بالعلم الكتائبي

اليوم في الذكرى ال34 لإستشهاده, أشعر بالعزاء الكبير بعد أن رأيت وليم حاوي حيا" في قلب كل واحد منكم, إذ سهى عن بالهم أن دماء الأبطال تنبت ألاف الأحرار
اليوم في الذكرى ال34 لإستشهاده, أشعر بالعزاء بعد أن أدركت الذكرى الطيبة التي تركها وليم حاوي في قلب من أحب الفضيلة والرجولة, قتل الجسد إنما الروح فحية في ألاف روح وروح

34 سنة مضت وواجب الذاكرة تملي خطاكم
34 سنة مضت وأنتم على الوعد باقون
لم ولن تتخلوا عن تراب مشت عليه اقدام القدسين وصانته صلواتهم
لم ولن تخونوا وطنا" غذته دموع الأمهات
لم ولن تبيعوا أرضا" سقتها دماء الشهداء
لم ولن تيأسوا
لم ولن تهاجروا
لم ولن تستسلموا
إنكم هنا, أبناء بيار الجميل المؤسس
إنكم هنا, أبناء هذه المدرسة التي ستبقى ما دمتم شبابا" واثقا" بقدراته وما دمتم صوتا" يدوي ويهتف "في خدمة لبنان"
إنكم هنا, مصممون على متابعة المسيرة حتى يتحقق لبنان المبادىء والقيم, لبنان الفكر والرسالة

نم قرير العين يا وليم فقافلة الشهداء لم ولن تتوقف. لقد إرتضت دربا" رسمته, فشهدت للحق وأصبحت النشيد الظافر للحقيقة ودخلت عالما" لم يبق للموت فيه وجود, ورنمت أنشودة الحياة
كلنا للوطن, للعلى للعلم

يبقى أن أوجه شكري شكري لرئيس الكتائب اللبنانية الشيخ أمين الجميل الذي أراد أن لا تمر هذه المناسبة دون التأمل العميق لإستخلاص العبر والتقدير. شكرنا للرئيس, أخ للرئيس الشهيد وأب للوزير الشهيد وهما شهيدان نتذكرهما اليوم وكل يوم, مع الرفيق الشهيد أنطوان غانم وإخوان لهم كثيرون ينتظرون في السماء إستكمال ورشة البناء, ورشة بناء لبنان العدالة والمحبة والحرية.

أشكر النائب الشيخ سامي الجميل حامل شعلة الإستمرارية التي بإذن الله لن تنطفىء
أشكر قيادة حزب الكتائب اللبنانية
أشكر رئيس إقليم كسروان- الفتوح الكتائبي الرفيق سامي خويري, الإبن الروحي لوليم حاوي, القدوة في المسلكية الحزبية والمناقبية والإنضباط, أحبه وليم وإتكل عليه في أدق المهمات وأخطرها
أشكر مجلس إقليم كسروان- الفتوح الكتائبي الذي تحمل عناء تحضير هذا المهرجان
أشكر وسائل الإعلام, أشكر حضوركم الكريم, شكرا" وألف شكر

وبعد الترحيب بالحضور ألقى رئيس إقليم كسروان- الفتوح الكتائبي الرفيق سامي خويري كلمة, جاء فيها

لئن كانت عظمة الأمم من عظمة رجالها

ولئن كانت إستمرارية الأمم تقاس بمدى تضحيات أبنائها
فإن خيرة من شبابنا ورجالنا أقدمت على الموت بفرح وقوة إيمان, من أجل أن نبقى, من أجل أن يبقى لبنان

وليم حاوي, واجب تكريمه, وعبره نكرم جميع الشهداء ومنهم يلوح وجه أمة تأبى الخضوع وتصر في الزمن الرديء القائم على مقاييس المصالح الكبرى التي تتلاعب بمصائر الشعوب الصغيرة على الشهادة للحق, للحرية
13 تموز أردناها: محطة, ذكرى وتأمل

فهي محطة في سلسلة محطات نضالنا المستمر عبر الأجيال للحفاظ على الوجود الحر, على الحرية وعلى الدور الرائد في هذا الشرق
وهي فرصة للتأمل, بحيث إجتمعت شهادات المسؤولين الكتائبيين في وليم حاوي على صفات محببة, على صفات سامية تصلح عبرة" لمنهجية عملنا النضالي في كل زمان

وليم حاوي, السياسي وعضو المكتب السياسي, رجل العناد في الأراء والمواقف, وهو في الوقت ذاته رجل الإنضباط المتمثل بالخضوع للقرار بعد إتخاذه, والمؤمن بالديمقراطية, والمنتصر على ذاته لدى توليه التنفيذ شخصيا", وهو الكبير المدافع عن القرار بنفس الإندفاع والحماس

ووليم حاوي العسكري, رئيس مجلس الأمن الكتائبي/ المجلس الحربي فيما بعد, وهو المخطط الذكي لمعارك جسر الباشا وتل الزعتر, وهو القائد الشجاع الذي يسير الى المعركة في مقدمة المقاتلين, وهو الأب الحنون الذي كان يهتم بأدنى مشاكل الشباب

وختم خويري مطالبا" الدولة بالكشف عن مصير المفقودين وعلى رأسهم الرفيق بطرس خوند, معتبرا" أن ما ينقصنا اليوم هو وليم حاوي جديد بروحيته ومدرسيته, وقد باتت الحاجة ملحة الى رص الصفوف والتوحد بوجه ما يشهده لبنان والمنطقة من تجاذبات سياسية وغيرها

قدمت الحفل الزميلة ليال الراعي, وخلال الإحتفال قامت فصيلة من انضباط كسروان بمسيرة أعلام مؤدية" التحية أمام نصب الشهداء حيث قام الشهيد الحي الرفيق جورج رشدان بإضاءة الشعلة وتم وضع أكاليل من الغار على النصب وعزف نشيد الموت والنشيد الوطني, كما تم عرض فيلم وثائقي عن حياة الشهيد وليم حاوي, وختم اللقاء بالنشيد الكتائبي

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Executive Magazine back in 2005!


Better to be safe than sorry
by Marianne Stigset

Companies are investing in security in the wake of Beirut's bombings Security guards have been vigilantly inspecting vehicules and people approaching mainly commercial areas, banks and hotels.
The February 14th attack, followed by the bombings in New Jdeideh, Kaslik, Sad al-Boushrieh and Broumana have seen increased demand for private security services from banks, shops, hotels, malls and large institutions, as well as real estate developers with substantial works in progress. Unfortunately, pro-active security remains a novel concept in Lebanon. The current “boom” is still largely ad hoc, temporary and price-sensitive. In fact, security providers say, it’s a regional thing. Lebanon conforms to the Middle East pattern of taking a reactive, rather than preventive approach to private security. “This is the trend,” says Jinane Zod, assistant managing director of Zod Security. “People only react once the damage is done.” Although not exactly a revolution, industry insiders believe there might be a gradual shift towards a more preventive-oriented approach to security.
“The measures we are taking now are permanent,” says Shoughari. “It’s a trend happening throughout the Middle East – just look at the last bomb attack which hit Cairo. We are now faced with a new environment, locally, as well as internationally. The enhanced security measures are here to stay.” Yazigi believes it is too early to tell whether the panic attack which hit the Lebanese will result in any long-term changes, but does detect a trend in the region towards greater security awareness. One security firm that spoke to Executive, admitted that his company witnessed a 5% increase in demand after February 14th but that figure soon rocketed to 100% after the Jeddah bomb attack. Demand has mainly focused on electronic surveillance, monitoring systems more than security guards and Youssef Mohamed Beydoun, vice-president of the Syndicate of Security and Safety Professionals in Lebanon and general manager of Beydoun Fire and Security, estimates that overall sector business has spurted by 30-35%. “Most of this new demand is coming from the banks,” he said. “It has now become a priority for everyone to increase their security coverage, but banks in general are especially afraid of robbery and hold-ups due to the current political and economic climate.”

Demand for security guards has also surged. They are an easily deployable form of security service, especially when it comes to carrying out vehicle and personal checks, yet they still trail behind electronic surveillance systems in terms of what is wanted in today’s market. Security firm, Protectron, has estimated the hike in demand for security staff to be at around on normal business 25%, although it admitted that tight budgets force many companies to employ their own staff in a security role. And maybe this is why the industry sees the employment of extra security guards as a stopgap measure. “We can already see a drop in demand,” says Lotfallah Yazigi, president of Securitas in the Middle East. “It was a reaction to panic. People [in office and apartments] would get together and chip-in for a guard to watch the premises for two weeks to a month, but contracts wouldn’t go much longer than that. It was a quick-fix for peace of mind but most people can’t afford this type of service in the long-run.” Many major banks, hotels large companies and institutions, such as the Phoenicia InterContinental, which has incurred minimal costs in upgrading an already comprehensive security infrastructure, already have adequate systems in place as part of their commitment to comply with international standards and regulations issued by their head offices and who systems and procedures are regularly assessed by external consultants. “We haven’t hired more people,” says Jana Sleen of the Safir Heliopolitan hotel. “What we have done is increase the number of security guard shifts and tightened security measures, especially with regards to all cars coming into the hotel. Half of our staff is from Protectron and the other half is our own staff. But otherwise, we already had cameras in place everywhere.” The Beryte Hotel reported to have increased security staff by four, at an additional cost of $3,000 per month, to which will be added the installation of surveillance cameras, at $2,000-3,000. “It’s an additional cost, but one that everybody has to incur right now,” says Jihad Shoughari, operations manager for the hotel. “After the attack, the army and the police went around to all the hotels in the surrounding area and asked for the films of the surveillance cameras. We have now in the process of ordering 3 or 4 more.” But it is the banks and shops – for obvious reasons – that have had to burden the cost of maintaining confidence among their client base. Byblos Bank has retained the services of the international Group 4 Total Security, while ABC’s popular Mall in Achrafieh has hired 20 new security guards, at an estimated $7,000 a month, and is reportedly in the process of installing a new surveillance camera system. Supermarkets Monoprix and Spinneys have also committed themselves to assuring their customers with cursory vehicle checks. Universities, embassies and international organizations have for their part made few requests for additional security services. Virtually all embassies have their security equipment sent to them from their respective countries and are prohibited from purchasing any local products.
The UN, whose offices in central Beirut were reinforced with cement blocks and sandbags following the attacks, claims this was a measure that had long been in the pipeline. “We asked the government two years ago to make this arrangement around the building, because the UN building in Beirut was non-compliant with international regulations that have been established for the institution – it had nothing to do with the attacks,” says Elias Daoud, head of security for the UN building. “Otherwise, nothing has changed.” Despite the recent hike in demand for security services, some industry insiders are not convinced that it will necessarily entail an overall increase in the quality and profitability of the sector. According to Haled Jaber, general manager for Security Engineering, there are no rules in Lebanon governing security services. “We tried to push for this through the creation of a syndicate, but it turned into a forum for social events. Every company now has its own standards. We now have a lot of security providers in Lebanon, probably some 100-150, but out of these, I would say there are only 10 which are really professional, offering high quality services and products.” “Right now the market is booming, but it’s not really profitable,” said one manager of a security company offering, “human guarding”. “Salaries remain low, contracts are offered on a short-term basis. A lot of people working as guards view it as temporary employment, it’s not one they invest in to make a career out of.” Partly in response to this lack of regulation and partly – or mostly – in response to the recent events in Lebanon and the region, Securitas will be opening the Swiss Academy for Security in Lebanon in May – a first for the region – to train professional security guards at every level.

And who said there was lack of job creation in Lebanon?

Friday, July 09, 2010

The Power ... of Paul

We are hereby witnessing the power of the internet and social medias as they make an mere octopus named Paul famous...
Check out this blog entry here for more information about Paul: Paul the psychic octopus...


Dbayeh Inside Road
Lebanon P. +961 4 542365

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Elie Saab Fall 2010 Couture

Today, July 08, 2010, 47

Elie Saab’s Fall 2010 Couture presentation was red hot. Garnet, scarlet, ruby and crimson dominated the runway of this breath-taking presentation.

Aside from the reds the colour scheme was perfect for Fall with gold, pewter, mint, gold, champagne and fiery prints which looked even more dramatic in motion – like a volcano erupting. The first thing that sprang to mind when seeing this collection – which was based on a phoenix arising from the ashes – was grown up glamour. Many young stars like Dakota Fanning have enjoyed wearing Elie Saab recently, but for me this collection is for women like Angelina Jolie, Helen Mirren, Diane Lane, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Winslet, Monica Bellucci and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Dramatic gowns dominated the presentation, but I found myself favouring the beaded jumpsuit which draped at the front. It was very different for Elie who’s known for his red carpet gowns, plus I can so picture this being worn by Cate Blanchett. The designer is not looking to test fashion boundaries, but if you’re looking for pure unadulterated high octane glamour this is the collection for you.

For the finale, the bride appears from the ashes wearing a sensational ash grey gown with a flowing vein and intricate embroidered details.

Who will be the lucky starlet to wear a look from this collection?

Lebanese red-carpet pleasers in Paris couture week

PARIS, By Sarah Shard
AFP - July 07, 2010

Lebanese red-carpet pleasers are increasingly filling the gaps in the haute couture calendar left by French houses pulling out of fashion's most extravagant manifestation.

While Givenchy decided this week to stage a scaled down presentation to a privileged few, Lebanon's Elie Saab, Georges Chakra, Basil Soda, Georges Hobeika, and the house of Rabih Kayrouz all opted for catwalk shows. Only Elie Saab (see this picture of his designs presented on Wednesday) is a member of the elite club and Rabih Kayrouz a guest, the others showing outside the official programme, but their collections are all the more welcome as only three big French names -- Chanel, Dior and Jean-Paul Gaultier -- and Italians Giorgio Armani and Valentino were presenting runway shows for autumn-winter 2011.

Lebanese designers are naturally drawn to Paris like moths to a flame, Basil Soda told AFP. "In Lebanon we call France our mother. The cultural influence is very strong." But Soda, Chakra and Saab draw their clientele from all over the world, notably across the Atlantic, and among royalty. The Crown Princess of Sweden wore Saab twice last month on her wedding day. Emily Blunt, Sandra Bullock, Kate Perry, Scarlett Johannsson and Helen Mirren are among the A-list actresses and celebrities to have chosen a Lebanese design for their red carpet moments.

Chakra dedicated his collection on Monday to silver screen goddesses: "I was thinking of Rita Hayworth, Greta Garbo, 1950s Hollywood glamour -- at times like this we need to dream for 15 minutes." He showed sumptuous ballgowns with lots of whorls and bows, designed "so the dress dances as the wearer moves." He used lots of gold "flattering to a skin that is slightly tanned" but avoided bling, for example by adding a sheer top layer of iridescent violent and yellow tulle, or combining gold and silver in a cloqued lame. A crimson lacquered satin looked like deep pile velvet, while marron glace shot satin had hues of blue and green. One cocktail frock twinkled with fringes of pearly sequins, another had a top embroidered with crimson flowers and flounced sunray-pleated skirts.

Ahead of his show on Tuesday Soda told AFP his collection was designed for "strong, confident women, who have travelled a lot, but are also inaccessible, idolised." He favoured mostly neutral colours -- black, grey, white and flesh tones, with flashes of zircon -- and a structured but feminine silhouette, with lots of big shoulders and emphasised waists. There was very little stand-alone embroidery, the decoration being part of the overall concept, as with his grand entrance black organza ballgown with its myriad of zippers snaking round, dictating its shape. Corsets, jackets and frocks were all complicated constructions of grey python, lace, gros grain ribbons, strass and zippers, all intermingled. Instead of draping, he used very precise layering to achieve a trompe l'oeil effect, "which is much more challenging and labour intensive." One of his favourite pieces this season is a sleeveless cocktail frock consisting in layer upon layer of micro-pleated flesh-coloured organza, with a few jewels nestling among them. A veritable tour-de-force, it took 600 hours' labour to make and has an extraordinary tactile sensuality akin to animal fur.

Elie Saab and Rabih Kayrouz presented their collections on Wednesday.

A cake by... Zuhair Murad

iloubnan.info - July 07, 2010

Noeud d’amour « Love Knot », Zuhair Murad’s first ever pastry creation, is both feminine and romantic. The Lebanese designer presents this cake today Wednesday July 7 after his Couture fashion show.

“In Feng shui, the Love Knot represents eternal love, a love that never dies. It is the perfect symbol to pinpoint the passion I experience at each new collection”, explains the Lebanese designer. “This Noeud d’amour is, as it were, a final gesture, the ultimate, elegant detail that enwraps both the excellence and the perfection of a creation”. Shaped like a jewellery box, adorned with a sleek, silken ribbon, Noeud d’amour, exclusive to the Café de la Paix from September 16th, 2010 until January 15th, 2011, flaunts the Lebanese designer’s glamorous and sensuous mark “The sinuous, curving ribbon evokes the female form in all its splendour and seduction. It sheathes the surprise box beneath, wherein is found a delicate mousse, reminiscent of the fabrics used to veil feminine curves”, goes on to explain the designer, whose creations are worn by international stars, ranging from Beyoncé to Jennifer Lopez, not forgetting Kylie Minogue.

Concealed beneath layers of Guarana dark chocolate, lies a milk-chocolate cream accompanying a bitter orange marmalade and an almond and cranberry paste bedecked with a crisp, dark chocolate ribbon. Concentrated yet surprisingly smooth, these opposites blend in a most subtle harmony; “The cranberries, the bitter oranges and the almonds all hail from my native country and I found it really interesting to combine their contrasting textures and flavours” goes on to say the designer. “Thus, the red of the cranberries accentuates the dark chocolate while adding a touch of zest Likewise, the bitter oranges and the almonds enliven the mousse.
Zuhair Murad definitely enjoyed his foray into the world of gastronomy! “What a wonderful thing it is to be able to draw together the world of fashion and its inherent interest in form, with that-hitherto unknown to me-of the world of pastry, where the palate reigns supreme. The blend of flavours is not unlike the blend of textures and colours: one wrong note and all is lost. “ Prepared by Christophe Raoux, new Chef in the Café de la Paix and the InterContinental Paris Le Grand, together with his head pastry cook, Dominique Costa, Noeud d’amour will be available, in a limited edition, from September 16th, 2010 to January 15th, 2011 exclusively in the Café de la Paix. This is the third pastry in the fifth season of the Fashion Pastry Collection in the legendary restaurant on the Place de l’Opéra.

Noeud d’amour by Zuhair Murad for the Café de la Paix
Available in a limited edition from September 16th, 2010 until January 15th, 2011
(16 euros per pastry) in the Café de la Paix (place de l’Opéra, Paris IXème
Réservations : 01 40 07 36 36 – reservation@cafedelapaix.fr)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Swatch watchmaker Nicolas Hayek dies at 82

iloubnan.info - June 29, 2010

BEIRUT – The Lebanese-born founder of the Swiss watchmaker 'Swatch' has died at the age of 82, the company has announced. Nicolas Hayek, who was still chairman of the company, died unexpectedly at work on Monday. Mr. Hayek has been widely credited with saving the Swiss watch industry when he founded Swatch in 1985. It is now the world's biggest watchmaker and is expected to record sales of more than 6bn Swiss francs (£3.7bn; $5.5bn) this year.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A fundraising event to fight Breast Cancer : Think Pink event supports May Jallad Foundation

BEIRUT iloubnan.info - June 22, 2010

For the third year in a row, the “Think Pink” breast cancer charity dinner was held yesterday night at the Sky Bar to raise funds in support of breast cancer patients in Lebanon. With a guest list of more than 1000 contributors, the event managed to raise over $100,000 USD in 2009 - all of which was donated to the May Jallad Foundation for Cancer- a non-profit organization focused on providing those in need with the essential resources to survive cancer.

The “Think Pink” breast cancer annual event is organized by a group of young Lebanese humanitarians who were inspired by witnessing firsthand the struggle many women are forced to endure when fighting breast cancer. “We do this because 1 out of every 8 women will have to fight breast cancer… and if caught early and treated properly… 9 out of 10 women will beat it!” said Karim Jabado, creator of Think Pink, “Think Pink is a life-long commitment for me… the foremost goal is to create awareness and promote early detection”

The event is made possible by many sponsors including Hoffmann-La Roche, Mazda and De La Cour who aim to emphasize the needed support of a friend or a family member to women who discover they have breast cancer throughout their treatment and hopefully recovery process. “Women need to be encouraged to face the disease bravely, knowing that many of them have a chance for survival if they detect it early, and asking key questions about the type of breast cancer they have so they can get tailored treatment that best suits their case” said Leila Koleilat, Roche communication manager.

"We can really make a difference in the lives of patients who need our help to obtain vital treatment. The donations collected today will immensely contribute to improving the quality of life of cancer patients who would otherwise continue to suffer in the absence of treatment - all together, one small step at a time, we can do our part to make cancer a thing of the past," commented Rima Dandashi, president of the May Jallad Foundation for Cancer.

As the treatment is expensive and difficult to obtain, the Foundation raises money through donations and accordingly the funds are granted with equal selection opportunity for all the patients in need via a fair arrangement with Makassed General Hospital.

Think Pink (part III), raised +163,000$ last night in SkyBar Beirut for the May Jallad Foundation to support Breast Cancer patients! Well done cousin!! :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Confused what to get for Father's Day?

Captain & Captain, Gifts for Men
The uniquely new concept for shopping by personality
now delivers* !

Visit http://www.captainandcaptain.com/ and order online!
Special offer for Father's day, get your gifts delivered free of charge**!

* valid only in Lebanon
**valid for min. order 50$

La Fete De La Musique 2010

The Fete de la Musique in Lebanon which usually presents great artists and bands, will happen again as usual this 21st of June, 2010. It will take place in Beirut, Downtown area, Hamra and Gemmayze.

On the schedule:

DOME Dj's:
21h00 - VANCLODE JANDAM (Deep-House)
21h45 - DIRTY DIANA (Dubstep)
22h30 - INDEX/LEFT (LIVE set - Dubstep)
23h15 - NAMITO (Berlin, Tech-House)
00h00 - JADE (Tech-House)
00h45 - DEBRUIT (LIVE, Paris, Breaks)
01h30 - DIAMOND SETTER (Tech-house)
02h15 - DJ DANSZ (Techno)
03h00 - ALIAS & PURPLE (Tech-House)
04h00 - PSYCHOGENESIS (Psychedelic
DOME Vj’s:
21h00 - OFFWHITE visuals
00h45 - VJ MOSIG
02h15 - M.VISUALS

20h00 à 20h30 Champlain (chanson française)
20h40 à 21h10 Youmna Saba (folk libanaise)
21h20 à 21h50 Gus Farah (pop)
22h00 à 22h40 The Incompetents (pop alternative)
22h50 à 23h30 Ghazi Abdel Baki (arabo funksamba)
23h40 à 00h20 Fareeq El Atrash (hip hop)
00h30 à 01h00 Call Us Blue (soul / funk)

20h00 à 20h30 Bob Arja & t.b.b.t (rap)
20h35 à 21h00 I-Voice (rap)
21h10 à 21h40 Homemade (rock)
21h50 à 22h20 Belime (pop / rock)
22h30 à 23h00 The Puppeteers (funk / soul)
23h10 à 23h40 Meen (rock libanais)
23h50 à 00h10 The Musicians (blues / rock)
00h20 à 01h00 Scarface & Mc Box (raggae / Rn’B)

20h00 à 20h20 Vahan & the revolution of ants (musique du monde)
20h30 à 20h55 Shaba (folk)
21h05 à 21h30 Kristen Hope (folk / rock)
21h40 à 22h10 Sandmoon (lounge / rock)
22h20 à 22h50 Guaraná (musique brésilienne)
23h00 à 23h40 Vladimir Kurumilian & Allan Chaaraoui (improvisation piano)
23h50 à 00h20 Eardrum (rock alternatif)
00h30 à 01h00 Peter Jam (rock)

20h00 à 20h25 ZeineDin (Hip Hop)
20h30 à 20h55 Ashekman (Rap)
21h05 à 21h35 Zeid and the Wings (pop libanaise)
21h45 à 22h15 Lazzy Lung (rock arlternatif)
22h25 à 22h50 Limelight (Rock indé)
23h00 à 23h25 Circle of Fire (rock accoustique progressif)
23h35 à 00h05 Episode (symphonie progressive)
00h15 à 01h00 Dj Lethal Skillz (hip hop)

18h00 à 18h20 Orchestre de Chambre - Hamazkaine
18h30 à 18h55 Ensemble “Musique pour tous”
19h05 à 19h35 Ensemble de Guitares – Hamazkaine
18h00 à 20h00
Chorale du Lycée franco-libanais de Verdun
Chorale du Lycée Abdel Kader
Tony Bayeh (musique religieuse)
Chorale de l’International College
Chorale du Collège Protestant

19h00 à 20h30
Programme de l'Ecole de musique Ghassan Yammine
Chant moderne (pop, broadway, jazz)
Piano (Chopin, Schubert, debussy)
Chant classique (airs d'opéra)

HAMRA / Dany’s
20h00 à 20h30 Extravaganza
20h30 à 21h00 Banana Cognac
21h00 à 21h30 W.K. Bruce Lee
21h30 à 22h00 Raed Khazen trio
22h00 à 22h30 Double Act
22h30 à 23h00 5 sekonds Late

Parade (musique électronique)
20h00 à 22h30
Firas Safa (rap)
Mustafa (rap)
Bicro-phone (rap)
Jabha (rap)
Mohamed Fouad (tarab)
Karimbo Mixity (rap)
Beirut Bandits (rap)
Byroots B-Boyz (danseurs hip-hop)

Organizateurs et partenaires:
- Le Ministère de la Culture
- La Mission culturelle française au Liban
- Solidere
- The Basement
- Ecole de Musique Ghassan Yammine
- Céphée
- Zico House
- Dany’s
- Cotton Candy

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Recruiting in Lebanon

Zod Security, a Lebanese based security company is recruiting for the following positions:

  1. Design / Commissioning Engineers
  2. Sales Executives
  3. Product Managers
Kindly send CVs to zod@zod.com.lb

Thursday, June 03, 2010

PoetryOutLoud --season1

PoetryOutLoud -- season 1

From: Friday, June 4, 2010
To: Sunday, June 6, 2010
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm

@ Unesco Palace (Beirut)

PoetryOutLoud, seasonally, throws a poetry event, where a number of its members share and perform their work of poetry freely. The audience gets to experience different ideas and emotions that the poet would like to convey. Collectively, we explore new areas of expression and reaching out. The works are not restricted to any language.

Tickets are sold at Librarie Antoine for 20,000 L.L Or call 71 11 23 71
or visit http://www.poetry-out-loud.com/

To participate in the group and future events, or if you have any questions please check the "Join Us" and "Contact Us" pages on the website.


Un Coeur pour Philippe! (R.I.P.)

Philippe a cree un mouvement de solidarite parmi les Libanais sans precedent, notament sur facebook qui a reussit a reunir en 10 jours 23,865 fans...

Introducing Philippe on his dedicated FB group, Un Coeur pour Philippe, he was described by his friends as follows:
"Philippe was born with a cardiomyopathy. He is 25 years old. His condition has changed since last Christmas. He has fluids in the lungs, oedemas in the legs and had a thrombosis on may 9th. His cardiologist as well as other specialists all agree that only a HEART TRANSPLANT can save him. The operation will take place at the Georges Pompidou hospital in Paris. Philippe doesn't have any healthcare coverage in France since he is Lebanese and the operation costs 220 000 euros approximately, and his family can't pay this sum on their own. We call all friends, families, friends of friends and random strangers to help philippe get his operation. A bank account has been created in Lebanon, Paris, and a Paypal account is available for overseas donations. Money has no value by itself, it all depends on what you do with it. Thank you for your help"

L'Orient Le Jour -31.05.2010
by Najib Aoun

Coeur a Coeur
Aujourd'hui, je ne parlerai pas des élections municipales, du cirque ambulant qui a mis les Libanais en émoi quatre semaines durant ; je ne dirai rien des inimitiés que des campagnes grotesques ont provoquées, des rancœurs que des règlements de comptes familiaux ou bassement politiciens ont attisées. Aujourd'hui, je n'évoquerai nullement les armes du Hezbollah, la stratégie de défense qui se perd dans les méandres de l'amnésie délibérée ; je ne m'attarderai pas sur les menaces israéliennes, sur les vociférations prometteuses de destructions généralisées, d'une apocalypse rédemptrice ; je ne tiendrai nullement compte des tirades incendiaires, des bêtises servies sur des plateaux en trompe-l'œil ; je fuirai comme la peste les esprits pervers qui distillent haine et suspicion, qui s'évertuent à greffer la détestation là où tout est convivialité, amour et solidarité.

Solidarité : voilà le mot magique qui redynamise les consciences, qui révèle la vraie nature du Libanais, celle que les guerres fratricides, les séquestrations de la volonté nationale ont tenté d'enfouir sous un amoncellement de doutes, de défiance et d'oublis. Solidarité : celle qui voit le Libanais aller à la rencontre de l'autre, le soutenir dans ses difficultés, dans sa détresse, lui apporter le réconfort dont il a besoin. Solidarité, c'est toute une chaîne qui se met en place, qui torpille les clivages, les différences, c'est un « cœur pour Philippe », cet élan exceptionnel de générosité qui a mobilisé des dizaines de milliers de jeunes et de moins jeunes, qui a transposé sur Facebook l'angoisse des uns, l'espoir des autres, une véritable course contre la montre, un jamais-vu d'amour et de sollicitude pour permettre à Philippe de retrouver son souffle, d'arriver au plus vite à l'hôpital parisien pour une transplantation cardiaque, synonyme de vie renouvelée.
Merci à tous ceux qui ont répondu à l'appel du cœur ou qui l'ont même précédé, des plus connus aux plus anonymes, des plus nantis aux moins favorisés, ceux qui ont répercuté l'appel aux quatre coins du pays, aux quatre coins du monde via Internet.

Un « cœur pour Philippe » c'est le reflet d'une humanité entière, gratuite, sans arrière-pensée, hors de toute tentative de récupération, le reflet d'une bonté infinie, celle d'hommes et de femmes qui ont forgé dans les épreuves une faculté à nulle autre pareille, celle de l'écoute de l'autre, de l'entraide, de la solidarité. Le jour venu, le moment venu, c'est la mère de Philippe, Anne-Marie, qui contera dans les colonnes de ce journal, dans ce journal qui est le sien, le long parcours fait de larmes et d'attentes angoissées, de panique et d'espoir. L'espoir que le cœur de Philippe puisse battre rapidement au rythme, au diapason de tous les cœurs qui se sont portés à son secours...



Seulement 2 heures plus tot aujourd'hui meme (le dernier jour du mois de notre Sainte Mere Marie, 31 May 2010), le coeur de Philippe a lache.

Messages from Nagy Khoury (family friend):
"Mes amis, Il y a dix jours, un ange nous a mobilisés … Il nous a appris le sens de l’Amour et de la solidarité. Il nous a donné l’espoir d’un Liban plus humain et plus noble. Comme un messager, il est venu … ...Comme un ange, il vient de s’envoler. Prions pour lui.""Mes amis, permettez-moi de partager ces quelques pensées avec vous. Supposons que Philippe soit parti il y a dix jours ... Sa mort nous aurait fait mal, bien sûr, mais est-ce qu'elle aurait été aussi percutante, aussi forte dans notre entourage et dans notre société ? Bien sûr que non ... Le Seigneur nous l'a envoyé, juste 10 jours, comme messager, pour nous donner un sacré coup de fouet et sa mort n'aura pas été vaine ... Merci Philippe pour ton irruption dans nos vies ces dix derniers jours. Tu nous as rappelé l'importance du COEUR dans notre existence ..."

Jounoune's personal note (as posted today on the FB group @ 04:00pm): "Philippe, i am positive that you are now resting in peace within the arms of our Holy Mother on this last day of the month dedicated to Her! You have achieved a great feat in uniting strangers as well as friends to your cause. Your flame is a flame of hope and solidarity that will never go out. Thank you for the valuab...le lessons you taught us: to never loose faith in God or in the people around us, and to never give up... Thank you."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Think Pink 2010 -Charity Dinner

Monday, June 21, 2010 at 8:00pm
Sky Bar - Beirut, Lebanon


In 2008, we held a dinner at Beirut's Sky Bar and raised over $50 000 USD. The proceeds were put towards prevention and early detection and were used to offer women across Lebanon free mammograms.

In 2009, we held another dinner at Sky Bar and raised over $100 000 USD. This time, the proceeds were put towards treatment and support and offered women battling the cancer free chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation, etc...

2010's dinner will once again be in Sky Bar on Monday June 21. The proceeds will again go towards treating and supporting women with breast cancer (May Jallad Foundation).

A few of the prizes at this year's dinner...
- New 2010 Mazda M2
- De La Cour Ladies Watch
- MEA tickets to Europe
- Tufenkjian jewelry

DINNER + DRINKS (seated 3 course meal + open premium bar + raffle ticket) - $150
DRINKS (open premium bar; non-seated) - $100

FOR RESERVATIONS: +961-3-140-433


Summer Festivals in Lebanon

Award-winning jazz artist Diana Krall, pop sensation Mika and operatic quartet Il Divo will head the bill in a line-up of stars performing in Lebanon's summer festivals, scheduled to begin next month.

Lebanon, which registered a record year for tourism in 2009, hosts three prestigious festivals -- Baalbeck, Beiteddine and Byblos -- which are major attractions for tourists visiting the tiny Mediterranean country.

The Baalbeck International Festival, which was officially launched in 1956 and is the oldest in the Middle East, runs from June 24 to August 7 and is staged among spectacular Roman ruins in eastern Lebanon. The festival opens with a concert by Lebanese-born pop sensation Mika and features performances by jazz saxophonist Odean Pope, the Boris Eifman Ballet Theatre and Iraqi musician Naseer Shamaa.

The Beiteddine Festival runs from June 25 to August 6 and stars award-winning pianist and singer Diana Krall, multi-national pop opera quartet Il Divo and Lebanese jazz icon Ziad Rahbani.
The Beiteddine concerts are held in a palatial 19th century residence in the Shouf mountains, an area of green hills and traditional villages southeast of Beirut popular with tourists.

The Byblos International Festival, staged against a backdrop of Phoenician ruins in the ancient port of Byblos north of Beirut, will announce its programme on June 1.

The festivals were cancelled in past years because of political crises, assassinations and all-out war, but made a comeback in 2008. They were largely sold out last year with the arrival of a record two million tourists in Lebanon. The three international festivals are widely expected to attract thousands of visitors this year despite rising tension in the region.


Links to festivals:

Byblos Festival: http://www.byblosfestival.org/
Beiteddine Festival: http://www.beiteddine.org/
Baalbeck Festival: http://www.baalbeck.org.lb/
Al Bustan Festival: http://www.albustanfestival.com/
Tyre Festival: http://tyrefestival.com/

Project Lebanon 2010 @ BIEL


at Project Lebanon 2010

Date: June 1-4, 2010
Time: from 04:00 to 10:00 pm
Venue: BIEL

Come visit stand no. B42

for which Captain Sami G. Zod has been President for two consecutive terms,

will also have a stand at no. C41

Friday, May 21, 2010

Habib Alberto: Fiddle to Live and Live to Fiddle!

On 21.05.2010, Habib Alberto performed his extraordinaire fiddling on top of the Azimut Yatch at Beirut Boat 2010 (La Marina, Dbayeh) wearing a Captain and Captain "Dolvor" shorty wetsuit and booties!

A fantastic and extravagant violin performance that was not to be missed for the world!

Check out these videos:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

International agency, Eden Yachting, puts Beirut on charter map

Eden Yachting based in the UAE, and one of the few yacht charter agencies based in the Middle East, has demonstrated its support for the Lebanese yacht charter industry this month by adding Beirut as a charter destination on its cutting edge website.

The company, launched last year, charters both sailing and motor yachts for their clients through well established operators in some 25 exotic destinations worldwide and this now includes the Lebanese capital.

According to Philippe Saad, Owner and Managing Director of Eden Yachting, "The yacht charter industry is particularly underdeveloped in Lebanon, however as the country enjoys a 220 km coastline, 300 days of sunshine and borders the Mediterranean, I believe there is great potential in this market for chartering. Of course there are limitations in the sense that there are not many public marinas outside the Beirut area, however this just means that it is currently a day charter market. The Lebanese like to socialise and they love the sea, so what better way to enjoy themselves than to charter a crewed yacht for a day and take a group of friends cruising up the coast."

According to the New York Times, a record number of travellers showed up to discover Beirut in 2009 and if the political situation remains stable, that could mean even more visitors this year. This has had a positive impact on the local yachting industry, demonstrated by a significant 14.5% growth in yacht sales in 2009, with the prediction for 2010 estimated at +20%. Indeed the investment in both tourism and marine facilities along the Lebanese coast, heralds a new era for boating enthusiasts, with $1bn already spent on marinas/ seafront developments and more in the pipeline.

Eden Yachting offers both motor and sailing yachts for cruising, racing, training, team building, corporate hospitality, diving and fishing in a number of Middle Eastern destinations as well as the more usual international charter locations. These include Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah, the Musandam Fjords, Muscat and the Red Sea.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Miss U.S.A 2010 Is The Lebanese Rima Fakih!!

Miss Michigan 2010 Rima Fakih, a Muslim Lebanese born in South Lebanon, has been crowned Miss USA 2010. Fakih won the pageant Sunday night at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas after a swimsuit, evening gown and interview competitions. Fakih is the second Arab-American to win the title, the first ever Muslim-American Miss USA and the first Miss Michigan to become Miss USA since Kenya Moore in 1993. Julie Hayek was the first Lebanese American to win the title in 1983. When asked how she felt about winning the Miss USA crown, Fakih said, "Ask me after I've had a pizza." Arab all over America danced and cheered the moment Rima beat 50 other beauty queens to the crown.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Captain & Captain @ Beirut Boat Show 2010

Captain & Captain - Gifts for Men
in cooperation with
Dive The Med Club
coordially invite you to visit our stand at
Beirut Boat Show 2010 ...

Date: 19-23 May 2010
Time: from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Venue: La Marina Joseph Khoury, Dbayeh - Lebanon

... and request your FREE gift with every purchase during the show!

Captain & Captain, Shop by Personality (www.captainandcaptain.com)
Dive The Med Club (http://www.divethemedclub.com/)

Thursday, May 13, 2010



When: Summer 2010 (initial dates postponed)
Where: Tripoli, Byblos, and Jounieh stadiums

"This is dedicated to sky junkies who get high on living to the extreme. Nothing beats the rush of having just the wind on your back, and this summer the sky is definitely the place to be as Fly Lebanon brings the first extreme sports event to the country."

What's Flying: over 100 pilots from 14 countries, 60 Paramotors, 4 acrobatic Cessna, 10 skydivers, 3 hot air balloons, 50 RC planes, 15 Paragliders, 2 Water hang gliders, Helicopters, ...

Crowd's Opening Games: Paragliders, 20 tandem planes, RC planes, hot air ballons, delta planes, ...
*all day packages to be shared soon.

Ground Packages: 2 bunjee jumping, half pipes, climbing walls, flying fox, space ball, running bunji, Xtreme pneumatics, big air bag, along professional shows...

Participating Countries: Lebanon, Jordan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Egypt, Qatar, Tunisia, Iran, France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, UK, Spain and Hungary.

For more information:
Tel: +961 3 920084

Monday, May 10, 2010

Niha, Zahle (Bekaa Valley, Lebanon)

The word neeha is Syriac and denotes to the place the character of calm, peaceful. The village is located about 65 km East of the Lebanese capital Beirut off the main road that leads to Baalbeck. It is 8 km North of Zahle. The village sits in a small canyon at an average altitude of 1,100 m.

Niha is home to four Roman temples that were constructed between the first and third century A.D. The Lower two temples are located on the edge of the village, and the upper two temples are about 2 km above the village in what is known as "Hosn" Niha. The first and smallest temple was built in the first century A.D. As one enters the gate at the edge of the village into the archeological park that is maintained by the Department of Antiquities, the Lower Small Temple appears first and directly ahead to the right of the creek. The temple was dedicated to the Syro-Phoenician mermaid goddess Atargatis and her consort, the god Hadaranes. Hadaranes is the local name of Hadad, the god of thunder, lightning and rain. Atargatis is the goddess of fertility. In the remains of this temple, archaeologists discovered a stone with an inscription mentioning a female virgin prophet named Hochmea. Hochmea was the priestess of Hadaranes and Atargatis; she dedicated herself to those two gods and cut herself off from the world. The stone inscription says: According to an order from the god, she stopped eating bread for 20 years and lived for 100 years. This small temple was apparently used for the public cult, which allowed everyone to participate in purification rituals. Opposite the creek lies the Great Temple which was extensively restored by the government of Lebanon in the 1950s. Towering nearly 20 m, the temple was built during the second and third centuries A.D. and was apparently used for a mysterious cult that spread during that era, similar to the temple of Bacchus in Baalbeck. The temple was also dedicated to the god Hadaranes and goddes Atargatis, as well as to a young god who played the role of their son.

The Small Temple of Niha is oriented north-south, while the Great Temple is oriented east-west. During the excavations of the site, an oratory was discovered in front of the Small Temple. The oratory had an altar representing the goddess of Niha, surrounded by a number of steles sculpted in the local style (not Roman style). The reason for the perpendicular orientation of the two temples is the presence of this monumental altar, which was situated in front of the Small Temple, and which was used as a base for the orientation of the Great Temple.

Two other Upper Roman temples were constructed at the Hosn, approximately 2 km away from the two temples mentioned earlier. Located at an elevation of 1,400 m with difficult road access, these two temples are not restored. Architectural evidence at the site indicates that it was transformed into a small fort during the medieval period (hence the name of Hosn). The altar in front of the temple was destroyed by a Byzantine Basilica that was built over it. The Basilica has three naves and a semi-circular apse to its east end. The second Small Temple opens to the south and was accessed through a stairway that is almost completely destroyed today.
