Friday, January 23, 2009

LIBAN -article de Médéa Azouri Habib

Chers Amis,

Dans des moments de doute ou de découragement quant à ce pays, son
avenir et par conséquent le vôtre et celui de vos enfants, lisez cet

LIBAN -article de Médéa Azouri Habib

À dix jours du passage à 2009, on ne peut pas ne pas penser aux
bilans, aux remises en question, aux conclusions sur l'année qui vient
de s'écouler.
Qu'a-t-on fait?
Qu'a-t-on dit?
A-t-on été à la hauteur de nos espérances, de celles des autres?
Est-ce une bonne année? Un mauvais cru? Une année comme une autre?
Quelles leçons a-t-on tiré?
Où en est-on?
Il y a bien un moment durant 2008 où vous vous êtes posé la question
sur un éventuel départ.
Quitter le Liban. Définitivement. Momentanément.
Ras-le-bol de ce pays, de ses politiques, de ses conflits, de ses
élections, de ses invasions, de ses coups foireux et de ses
pots-de-vin, de ses faiblesses et de cette foutue inaptitude à faire
du bien à son peuple…

Comme c'est facile.
Comme c'est facile de le détester ce petit pays, de le haïr, de le
mépriser, de s'en plaindre et de le comparer à un ailleurs plus
serein, de le critiquer et de vouloir le boycotter.

Plus facile que de le défendre et pourtant…
C'est un fait, le Liban ne laisse personne indifférent. Et, de ce
point de vue-là, les Libanais sont a priori d'accord.
Ce pays des extrêmes nous donne à nous, Libanais, des sentiments
contradictoires: j'aime, j'aime pas, j'attaque, je défends…
Sauf que là, en cette fin 2008, en ces temps de crise, en ce moment de
remise en question et autres causes, une seule chose est sûre.
Il fait bon vivre au Liban.

Quoi qu'on en dise et quoi qu'on en pense.
Parce que voilà:
Malgré la multitude de destinations offertes aux Libanais, c'est ici
qu'ils reviennent passer les fêtes.
Pas seulement pour y être en famille ou retrouver les amis.
Mais parce que c'est là qu'il faut être. C'est comme ça.
Une fois qu'on vient au Liban… c'est foutu. On y reviendra.
Quoi qu'il arrive.
Ce magnétisme libanais en a fait succomber plus d'un.
Qu'on soit libanais, français, italien ou américain.
Et même si un jour on a décidé de laisser derrière nous, et pour de
bon, les plaines de la Békaa, la montagne du Chouf ou une Beyrouth
envahie, on est resté libanais à jamais.

Alors oui, c'est facile de le descendre ce satané pays de 10 452 km2
et de le railler, mais putain, qu'est-ce qu'il est attachant ce pays!!

Lui, ses habitants, leurs défauts, leurs failles, leur manque de civisme.
Ce bordel ambiant,
Ces starlettes à deux balles,
Ces bonnes femmes qui pleurent, les bras chargés de fleurs, à la porte
d'arrivée de l'AIB,
cette commerçante qui offre un Chicklets à votre fils parce qu'il est
le type du parking qui vous dit de payer la prochaine fois,
l'infirmière qui vous apporte des pommes et des avocats de son verger
de la montagne,
cette vendeuse qui vous met un sac de côté en attendant les soldes,
cet inconnu assis à côté de vous dans l'avion, qui vous enlève votre
plateau-repas pendant que vous dormez et qui remet sur vos jambes la
couverture qui avait glissé par terre.

Elles sont belles ces Libanaises qui ornent nos panneaux
publicitaires, ces Libanaises qui sortent seules le soir,
Cette voisine qui vous envoie une «snayniyé» pour célébrer la première
dent de sa fille,
Cette amie qui attend votre fils en bas, lorsqu'il rentre en autocar,
Ces tantes qui vous tricotent des écharpes et des bonnets,
Cette femme qui vous sourit tous les matins quand vous partez.

Elles sont belles ces Libanaises que vous croisez dans les restaurants,
Ces amies qui vous mentent pour mieux vous surprendre et qui vous
soutiennent, quelles que soient les difficultés que vous traversez.
Elles sont belles ces femmes avec qui vous bavardez chez le coiffeur,
ces Libanaises qui s'occupent de vous et qui vous rendent belles à
votre tour.

Il est beau ce Liban où vos collègues deviennent vos amis, où vos amis
deviennent vos frères, où vos frères viennent chaque année.
Ce Liban où l'on ne trouve plus une table dans un restaurant pendant
les fêtes, où les SMS sonnent sans cesse pour vous inviter à aller
réveillonner dans une «salsa night spéciale karaoké», où les gens qui,
malgré tout ce que l'on pense sur les raisons qui les animent,
viennent vous présenter leurs condoléances et vous disent «mabrouk»
quand un enfant paraît.

Il est attendrissant ce Liban où n'importe qui vous «add» sur
FaceBook, ce Liban où chantent Rayes Bek et les Soa, Salma Nova et
Mouzanar. Ce Liban où tournent les Joreije, Philippe Aractingi,
Danièle Arbid et Nadine Labaki. Ce minuscule pays que Catherine
Deneuve a «voulu voir» parce que sa sœur Françoise (Dorléac) aimait y
venir danser.
Elle avait tout compris Françoise.
C'est ici et nulle part ailleurs qu'il faut venir danser...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Y.A.N.A. (You Are Not Alone)

Y.A.N.A. (You Are Not Alone) provides follow-up with families facing social difficulties and offers them different social services (dispensary/ clinic, orphanage/ foster home, children’s group, women’s group) to best serve their needs.

All families passing through social problems are targeted by this project, especially mothers and children.

Y.A.N.A. welcomes women who are:
a) Abused
b) Divorced
c) Widowed
d) Unmarried mothers (filles- mères)
e) Facing extreme poverty

Y.A.N.A. offers these mothers a dedicated specialized team of psychologists and social assistants. The ladies will be divided into groups and assistance will be provided in terms of:
• Psychological support, through listening and follow-up
• Team work, though “Group Dynamics”
• Medical care, through the association’s dispensary/ clinic

Y.A.N.A. welcomes children whose families are having difficult social circumstances:

Conditions for acceptance:
a) Orphaned by one or both parents
b) Abused child
c) Family’s in extreme poverty

Y.A.N.A. will provide the children with the following services and follow-up:

1. On the educational and schooling level:
a. Education by providing tutors to help with their after-school homework
b. Provision for a lunch meal before tutoring
c. From the beginning to the end of the school year excluding holidays

2. On the medical level:
The program includes medical care through the use of the association’s clinic/ dispensary

3. Miscellaneous activities:
a. Kids benefiting from this program are automatically part of the association’s “Children Group” supervised by a social assistant
b. The Children Group meets every Saturday between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm where kids will take part in a multitude of entertainment, cultural and spiritual activities
c. Many field trips during the school year
d. 1 week Summer camp to celebrate the end of the school year

4. Fostering home and Orphanage:
a. Provision for premises to accommodate up to 8 kids aged between 7 to 10 years old where they will benefit from the services provided by the home:
i. Living facilities (120m2 apartment) and nurture
ii. Education, healthcare and nourishment
iii. Guidance, emotional and psychological support
iv.Miscellaneous activities as provided above
b. Conditions for acceptance:
i. Orphans by one or both parents
ii. In need of shelter and referred by specialized official sources
c. The program will provide for psychologists and social assistants for follow-up with the children on a psychological and ethical basis

5. Child follow-up:
The association has the right to follow-up on the child at home and school through visits conducted by the social worker appointed by the organization. This point is conditional to acceptance of the child into the program

Who we are:

The CCU is a lay, apostolic, ecumenical, social and charitable movement free from religious or racial discriminations. Founded in Dekwaneh - Lebanon in 1960 by Sister Mathilde Riachi, it has the approval of the ecclesiastical and civil authorities according to a certificate of registration and acquaintance nr 15 A.D. amendment nr 20 A.D. /2007.
Office / Fax: + 961 1 691 115
2nd floor, CCU Headquarters, St. Joseph str., Dekwaneh - Beirut, Lebanon

Join our FB group / Page and help spread the word

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Palestine Unarmed Girl Stands Up Against israeli Army

Watch YouTube:

Gandhi and Martin Luther King's method of non-violent resistence put into practice. :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Beirut, #1 Destination to Visit in 2009!!

The 44 Places to Go in 2009!

Beirut is being voted as the number 1 destination to visit in 2009 out of the top 44 by the New York Times!!

From the Aegean Sea to Zambia, this year’s most compelling destinations are awash in sublime landscapes, cutting-edge art, gala music festivals, and stylish new resorts.

To vote for Beirut, click “recommend.”

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Michel Hayek Predictions for 2009

Michel Hayek Predictions for 2009
You can watch him on YouTube:

Every year just before midnight 31-Dec, the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC - Europe) feature Lebanese psychic Michel Hayek’s (also known as the millennium Nostradamus) predictions for the upcoming 18 months.

The predictions are divided into 4 segments: World, Arab, Random, and Lebanese.

- An earthquake will be felt by the residents of Jordan and Iraq
- The uncovering of terrorist cells that sneaked in through the border intending to perform attacks in the midst of the kingdom.
- The diplomatic branch in Jordan goes through critical (accurate) moments
- Jordan’s queen appears in a new light, and the clouds will clear in the skies of the Jordanian royal family after a dark foggy phase
- Major real estate projects extend and rise on Jordanian soil

- Gaza will not be the city of massacres and blockades but the city of dialogue and compromises.
- An announcement of giving Palestinians an important part of their rights, and a wave of happiness overcomes Palestine and its neighbors
- A semi-coup like movement in the Palestinian interior
- Mahmoud Abbas (Palestinian Authority President) is subjected to personal insults and will be seen in a compromising (or critical) situation
- The memories of 1967 reawaken along with various options (suggestions)
- Khaled Mashaal (Hamas leader) in difficult and dangerous missions which become part of his legacy (leave a mark on his name)

- The people of Israel will be in fear for a long period of time
- A disaster awaits the new Israeli prime minister
- A none-Israeli weapon within range of Israel
- Ariel Sharon’s name will be in the news again
- Great harm will befall several Jewish communities outside Israel


- Scenes of disintegration and creation within the current Egyptian regime
- The Suez canal will be involved in the fateful (or crucial) urgent Egyptian decision

- Scenes involving the Military and civilians causing chaos and with devastation of governmental positions (or centers)
- Operations of revenge against personalities on Egyptian soil

- The current Syrian regime uncovers a dangerous coup attempt against it, and only reveals a small part of what happened to the media
- The creation and reopening of Arab/foreign diplomatic and cultural centers in Syria
- Syria surprises everyone by arresting (terrorist) tactical leaders both dead and alive, among them one who is very well known and sought after for arrest
- A great increase will be seen in collaborative efforts and projects between Syria and Lebanon including corporations and restaurants; Most of which are new, but some old that have been brought back to life.
- International terrorism strikes in vengeance on Syrian soil
- Despite the hostility and distance we see bridges being extended between Syria and Saudi Arabia
- Farouq Al-Sahre’ (Syrian Vice President) will be a key personality, and public opinion will gravitate towards him
- Dynamic and intentional incidents intended to create sedition (conflict) and destabilize Syria
- A “workshop” to reposition (and replace) high level positions within the Syrian regime
- Syrian atmosphere will not be free of war
- Strange movements opposite (near) the Syrian coast
- Someone will be pardoned, and it will begin a series of positive decisions
- Dureid Laham (Syrian actor) will be in the limelight

- President Bush will not enjoy his retirement
- A gigantic fire will erupt in a large commercial center (or mall)
- With all deliberation and on key issues Obama displays political inexperience (immaturity).
- Along with the presidency, Obama takes the danger (threat) as well, and while he makes plans for people in America and abroad, there is a group in America and abroad making plans for him and his work team (cabinet or administration)
- The announcement of the fate of a terrorist personality of the first order (i.e. a terrorist leader)
- We hear strange news about (Al-Qaida leader) Ayman Al-Zawahiri
- American Artist (or Musician, or Actor, or Entertainer) dies in an unexpected manner

- Political Party developments reminiscent of the USSR era
- Russian positions (stances) that make it clear Russia is prepared to control (guide) global decisions
- Dangerous threats between Russia and a 2nd country which does not fall under Russia’s domain

- Popular protests all over the streets of France along with acts of vandalism and chaos
- Confusion among the French Judiciary (or legal system)
- An attempted terrorist act on French soil.
- An incident (or accident) will occur. A celebrity will be among its victims

- Problems, difficulties and obstacles await British prime minister Gordon Brown
- Depression will penetrate the London fog, and reach the faces of the British royal family.
- Neo-Nazism begins to surface (give primary signals)

Germany: Panic among the German people due to an incident that resembles a terrorist attack

Europe: A conflict erupts between 2 European countries which will pose questions at all levels!

Switzerland: An incident (or accident) disrupts the peaceful atmosphere of Switzerland

Tibet: The outlook is grim (uncomfortable) for the Dalai Lama

Space: Once again Space Scientists (Astronomers, astronauts) make new milestones which give people new hope of man’s ability to survive somewhere other than planet earth

- A painful strike awaits the sea pirates
- We will witness a sea battle with the participation of Destroyers and other naval warfare ships

Afghanistan: The outlook for president Karzai is dim (dark)

Arabia: An operation which is close to suicidal occurs in Arabia and generates great debate, argument and questions among Arabs.

Libya: A mystery surrounds “the tent” of Muammar al-Qaddafi

Saudi Arabia:
- Beginning of discovery of religious artifacts and historical/touristic sites which make KSA a tourist hotspot
- Discovery of new resources under ground equally as important as oil
- Failure of plans to create a crisis in the governing (ruling) of KSA
- The Saudi intelligence establishment foils several terrorist operations within the kingdom, but some other operations succeed in accomplishing their goals (of vandalism)
- The dialogue between religions (faiths) will be the project of projects in the coming stage despite all the security challenges and the opposing views, it will form a new line in the future of mankind
- The kingdom will be notified by an unknown party of the details of a “changing” operation
- A well known international spiritual personality makes a historical visit to KSA
- The beginning of a change in the kingdom’s weather and a great change in climate
- The outlook is very ominous around a Saudi airplane
- The modernization and creation of new laws which comfort the younger generations and form a great openness by the ruling (Royal family) towards the Saudi people
- The illusion of sadness invades the hearts of the Saudi people

- A glaring attack on a foreign work team (or delegation) on Iraqi soil
- I’m hearing voices from Iraqi Christians crying out for help
- An Iraqi security crisis (or great change) in the aviation industry
- Despite the fortifications, an attack will penetrate and target a well known personality

- Despite the sanctions (blockades/embargoes) on Iran, we will see it receiving visitors from some of the countries that imposed these sanctions
- A naval operation in Iranian waters
- The arrest of an espionage ring within Iran
- Attempts to destabilize Iranian internal security and create rifts and splits among Iranians.
- Mysterious operations in sensitive Iranian locations
- The Iranian grip will be broken through a personal assassination attempt
- Iran will direct a very harsh accusation towards an Arab country

- Despite what we’re hearing I see UAE as a country that will find doors to exit the current economic crisis even if it will do so slowly
- A member of the ruling family will be in a critical state
- I see smoke and fire caused by a major incident (or accident)
- Rumors intended to break up the unity of the emirates themselves, and a wager on the lack of this unity

- Political intrigue on different levels in Kuwait along with retreats and chaos within the government
- Kuwait will remain coherent (solid) and governed (gripped) despite several destabilization attempts
- Kuwaiti Art (music/acting/entertainment) industry will go through a sad period

- Cracks in the armor of Qatari stability
- changing of high level positions within the Qatari regime
- Qatari airlines will encounter major Problems
- Qatar will perform a new highly dangerous mediation in the region
- A certain Qatari hospital will be in the news

- Turkey will encounter a dangerous earth quake
- Turks will go through several natural disasters this year
- The beginning of finding solutions to the historical hostility between Turks and Armenians
- There is no stability on the Turkish interior
- Turkish arms will extend in multiple directions

- Acts of Vandalism and terrorism attempt to change the image of the Pakistani regime
- Fire will penetrate the Indian/Pakistani ceasefire
- The appearance of Pervez Musharaf’s (former prime minister) name prominently

- Cash flow is available
- Encouragement of investment. Whatever isn’t exported will be sold locally
- The Lebanese Lira will overcome many crises
- Bank of Lebanon and its director will be a reference to the biggest banks and the most successful business men in the world who will learn from it sound economic policy, and this will be covered in the local and international media.
- The bank of Lebanon will survive several crises, and receive honorary prizes which will make Lebanon proud
- Chaos and rumors in banking circles hits banks and bank owners, their source will later be revealed to be an enemy of Lebanon. I mean Israel.
- We will read the phrase (Made in Lebanon) on many products prepared for consumption locally or for export
- Great progress in the industrial sector as a result of the incentives/regulations intended to enhance it.
- We will read the names of some of the larges real estate companies on buildings and giant malls
- A noticeable growth in the agriculture industry even in medical organ transplants!
- The agriculture industry will have an upheaval of the traditional Lebanese crops.
- We will see a noticeable return of specialized energetic youth
- The Lebanese Agricultural engineers will have great achievements in Lebanon
- So the Lebanese farmer will be able to start facing the crises of the banking sector slowly, along with hige difficult challenges along with a program of public protests.
- The Port of Beirut will be the port of all ports in the region. It will observe a unique tourist and commercial traffic which will extend to its environs.
- The launching of a campaign to prepare Lebanese beaches to receive tourists
- The initiation of real estate projects of trigonometric shape some of which will carry Lebanese and Arabian symbols
- A strengthening of the world of Lebanese tourist and commercial aviation. Airports, planes, pilots, and modern buildings, equipment, and training facilities in the region, a noticeable increase in the number of planes carrying the Lebanese cedar insignia.
- Middle East airlines will improve greatly and be among the prominent international airlines
- Lebanon will hold international conferences, and summits. It will be the country of prizes and honors, and it will be free, and independent despite all the dangerous projects being prepared for the region.
- Parts of Lebanon’s occupied lands are returned to it
- The international tribunal will be held. The identity of the murderer (of Rafiq Al-Hariri) will be revealed, and the identity will be triangular and 3 dimensional. We will see in picture and listen in sound to important details about the bombing (assassination), and be surprised by public confessions from one of the guilty parties involved in the assassination, and witnesses from different nationalities.
- The parliamentary elections will happen. Many of the large wagers and challenges will fail. An event will ruin things for one of the candidates. Previous ministers, current MPs will be involved in the election process
- Noticeable developments in the investigation of the assassination of Major General Francois al-haj and MP/minister Pierre Al-Jmayel
- The prestige (dignity) of the Lebanese Army will fill all of Lebanon, and it’s influence (balance) will increase although it will face 2 crises, but they will change nothing in its determination and that of its leader
- Syria is not coming back to Lebanon. Its influence will be strong, and it will allow it to interfere in several Lebanese affairs. Even so I see Syria in several national-security resembling missions which will be swift and limited and on Lebanese soil some open and others mysterious (secret)
- The Israeli air force will not be safe in Lebanese air-space, and I don’t mean by this prediction the danger of the planes Russia gave to Lebanon
- The recommendations of the Arab Summit held in Beirut around the year 2000 did not die, and some of them will see the light against
- Lebanese leading personalities will be placed in what amounts to forced internment (house imprisonment)
- Lebanese political parties and currents will open centers in surprising areas (or where it will cause surprise)
- A disruption (jamming) of an unknown source in Sayda is identified with the name of the municipality and the mayor
- The birth of new political movements with female leadership
- A painful and scary letter is sent to Saed Al-Hariri which reminds of the era of pressure put on the assassinated (martyred) president Rafiq Al-Hariri
- A high level legal personality (inaudible) all personal and even family
- A semi-intifada (uprising) of the media is witnessed between the syndicate of press and syndicate of editors.
- The uncovering of powerful operational strings with two intentions: Penetrating the leadership of Hizbullah and a reset of the equation and the balance of power. These strings will be uncovered.
- A section of the Doha decisions fails in Beirut
- The horizons of the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh are expanding
- The name of the minister (of interior) Ziyad Barood is the bold headline of several plans and road maps.
- The name of MP and minister (of public works and transport) Mohammad Al-Safadi is identified with several varying events and positions which catch the public eye among them:
A. his positions will participate to a great extent in breaking the ice between 2 opposing political groups, and this will benefit the greater good of Lebanon
B. He will surprise public opinion with an unexpected political electoral position that could not have occurred to anyone
- The world of civil aviation and Beirut Airport will witness a tragic scene (incident)
- Prominent and important changes in rulings and decisions which was until yesterday impossible, and it becomes apparent that these rulings were not needed to begin with
- A badly wanted and dangerous political presence makes Lebanon his headquarters
- The echos of the Biqfaya region are heard from a distance
- Walid Jumblat (Progressive social party leader and prominent druze) in several bright (promising) settings, and the leaking of a plan against him and two of his work team, and against a region of the Druze mountain
- The name of the first lady Wafa Michel Sleyman will captivate the hearts of the Lebanese people
- A scene of a coup in one of Lebanon’s regions
- The water dispute between Lebanon and Israel takes the forefront again
- Lebanese Armenians overcome a tragic problem plotted for them
- The Syrian diplomacy in Lebanon will be subject to a setback
- I don’t see the horizons of the Tweini family (family of assassinated MP/journalist Jubran Tweini) in darkness despite the size of their hopes and the variety (of its colors)
- The use of scandals as a method to take down a well known personality
- The cedar (symbol of Lebanon) of the militia and armed forces is subject to traitorous and harmful arrows
- Palestinian weapons will be used violently inside and outside the Palestinian refugee camps within Lebanon
- The capture of a spy network in an operation with dangerous consequences
- The association of Boutron with several prominent events which remixes the cards and roles
- Varying signs accompany the name of (singer) Milhem Barakat
- The local waters will not be safe from some military (national security) operations and renewed accidents (or events)
- Mysteries are everywhere (master of the situation) in the world of (former premier) Omar Karameh in the upcoming stage
- A group is trying to place obstacles on the movement of President Michel Sleyman including a failed attempt to hinder one of his visits, and powerful security measures will be taken around the president after the security apparatus receives indications that there is a threat (negative intentions) towards the president
- The appearance of indications of the joining of a group from Hizballah and a Palestinian group to the columns of the Lebanese Army
- The eyes of the Lebanese people will be on the Mosque of Mohammad Amin and its surroundings
- I see new faces around the leadership table in the free nationalist movement
- A suspicious sneaking in is revealed targeting General Michel Oun and some of his close acquaintances
- Michel Oun will be the man of surprises which draw to it the interest of the media and public opinion even while outside Lebanon. A large number of Lebanese people are concerned for General oun. This is aided by the large number of rumors about him.
- A scene combining bkirki and Damascus generates different emotions
- Large crowds in Bkirki centered around patriarch Sfeir and the seat (leadership) of the patriarchy
- The name of MP George Udwan is subject to many wagers and exiting them safely will involve several challenges
- A military (national security) event I see 3 things about:
a. The assault of an official security apparatus (organization)
b. An attack to something related to embassies and the diplomatic branch
c. An “accurate” (carefully planned) kidnapping
- A major Lebanese personality is subject to an attack while outside Lebanon
- The discovery of a strange object (or body) at a center where people gather causes fear and causes a short term paralysis in the areas
- A suicidal (martyr) operation along with noise and
- Nature surrounds a Lebanese face
- Eyes are directed towards what is happening inside one of Lebanon’s hospitals
- Warnings of an earthquake which pushes the state to creating emergency response capability
- With all the starpower, and garnering Arabian and international accolades, there’s a dark corner in the world of Lebanese fashion and beauty
- The syndicate of art will be busty in preparing some “medals” (or accolades), and artists are accompanies by more than one farewell parade
- Public and secret Pressures to remove ex-President Fuad Sanyora from the political landscape and talk about his health (or well being)
- Religion is the center of several stages which will worry public opinion
- The phrase “touch line” (side line in soccer) is used by a certain media (newspaper, tv or radio) again
- Multiple rounds of attack and counterattack (revenge) between Hizbullah and Israel
- Flags are flying low (or half staff) over an official building (dome) and on top of the HQ of one of the political parties
- I see another scene involving the media.
a. A certain media (newspaper, TV station, or radio station) goes through a painful stage and a black era
b. Signs of vandalism (or malfunction) in a media
c. a tragic accident befalls a member of the media
d. A prominent appearance of Lebanese media personalities in the foreign media
e. The highest order of media accolade is given to a member of the Lebanese media
f. Noise is present around the name of another media personality which suggests he may move to a different form of media
- Surprise accompany the zooq thermal workshop ?!!!
- The UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) sees and doesn’t see, hears and doesn’t hear, and is still a target for attack
- MP Michel Al-murr will find an exit to a tunnel (problem) he did not put himself in

Predictions by Michel Hayek for 2009
25 Detailed Predictions by Michel Hayek for 2009

Here are the Detailed Predictions of Michel Hayek for the year 2009 which he said during the new year party at the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation - LBC on the even of 31st December 2008.

- Striking developments in the murder of Major General Francois Al Hajj and Deputy Minister Pierre Gemayel.

- The prestige of the Lebanese army will fill an area of the country and points to the escalation of the deadly and waiting.

- Syria will not come back to Lebanon however its influence will be high, Syria will have an intervention in more than one Lebanese issues, "I see Syria taking parts in quick and limited security issues on the ground, some Lebanese and some other mystery missions."

- Israeli warplanes would not be safe in the Lebanese airspace, this is not due to the arrival of Russian planes which were donated to Lebanon.

- The recommendations of the Arab summit held in Beirut, around the year 2000 will still have some of the light.

- Lebanese key figures will be placed in a situation similar to a house arrest.

- Lebanese Parties will open new locations which will cause a surprise.

- Anonymous hash will orbit in Sidon (Saida) which is linked to the name of the mayor and the municipality.

- The birth of new political movements with Women Leadership.

- A Threat and painful letter will arrive to the deputy Saad Hariri , remembering of the pressure President Rafiq al-Hariri had before his assassination.

- A high ranked figure will get some form of harassment and physical attacks even on his family.

- What we see is like the Intifada information between the associations of the press and the editors.

- Disclosure of the threads of a massive operation targeted two things: the breach of the leadership ranks of Hezbollah and the heart of the equation and the balance of power (revealed).

- A section of the decisions of the Doha Agreement on the land Down Beirut.

- The prospects for the assassination of Imad Mughniyah to expand.

- The name of the minister Ziad Baroud title for more than a broad plan and map.

- Associated with the name of Deputy Minister Mohammad Safadi and several events of different positions strongly draws attention, including: his will to a large extent to break the ice between the two political eyelashes and this is in the supreme interest of Lebanon, and the surprise Safdi public political stance was not forthcoming election thought.

- A world of civil aviation and the Beirut airport on the date of a tragic scene.

- Prominent and important changes in the terms and decisions on the outside can be even, and the basis is no justification for its existence.

- A terrorist is required will be based in Lebanon.

- Echoes of the area of Bikfaya, feel free to run.

- I see new faces around the table of leadership in the Free National Movement.

- Reveals the infiltration of suspicious people targeting General Aoun and some close to him.

- Michel Aoun, a man of surprises, which attracted media attention around him and public opinion even in the course of his outside Lebanon.

- Many will worry about General Michel Aoun, the Lebanese to contribute to this volume of rumors and hearsay as a result of a wave of rumors.

- The Cedar of Al-Kataeb and the Lebanese Forces, will be targeted by harmful arrows.

Mike Feghali Predictions for 2009

Like Michel Hayek, Mike Feghali is also a psychic and amous in Lebanon and the region for his predictions. He provided his predictions to Lebanon Files website exclusively:

- Lebanon will continue to suffer from political assassinations

- Lebanon will be hit by a major earthquake that could cause substantial damages to a tourist attraction. It is not over yet for Sidon and Tyre ( both had earthquakes earlier this month ) . The worst is yet to come

- Downtown Beirut will continue to face some unrest but after this ends, will experience a boom and Beirut will become the capital of the world

- Lebanon will not have a civil war but will have skirmishes between various factions but the army will not be involved

- The airport could be shut down for a short period ( hours, possibly days )

- A new Lebanese president will be elected and will be from the army

- The Lebanese economy will prosper and the governor of the Central Bank Riad Salameh will receive several awards for outstanding performance .

- A Lebanese will be appointed to an important post at the United Nations

- The Vatican will recognize and honor a Lebanese within 11 months

- Patriarch Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir is in danger ( he did not specify the type or date)

- The predicted assassinations could affect the parliament and the press. (He sees the parliament, the press and LBC TV dressed in black )

- The Lebanese Syrian borders will be closed for some time but Lebanon will eventually have a Syrian embassy . Talks over the embassy will start this year

- Iran will finally abandon Syria the last minute

- Major scandal affecting the issue of the Lebanese detainees in the Syrian prisons

- Prisoner Samir Qantar will be released from Israeli jail in about 11 months

- General Michel Aoun will experience significant health problems during a speech or a press conference and Gibran Bassil ( Aoun's son-in-law) will take over at the Free Patriotic Movement

- Dr. Samir Geagea will be exposed to a failed assassination attempt

- MP Streida Geagea is in danger

- MP Antoine Zahra is in very great danger

- Internal problems within the "Lebanese Forces" organization

- Samir Geagea will enter into new alliances and will at the same time drop some existing alliances

- The government of Prime minister Fouad Siniora could face internal problems , but Siniora himself will be always untouchable and above board

- MP Walid Jumblatt is no longer in immediate danger . His son Timor will start helping him in Party matters

- Suleiman Franjieh will make the news headlines and will re enter politics in Lebanon

- MP Saad Hariri will retire from politics, and a woman from the Hariri family will take over

- Problems within the Hariri family

- The world be in Great shock once the truth is discovered ( this concerns the Hariri International tribunal )

- The stock market could crash and the Hariri family could lose control of Solidere

- There will be many changes in the ranks of the Lebanese army
- Hezbollah will unite with and become part of the Lebanese army

Outside Lebanon

- America will be exposed to a terrorist act like never before

- France will be exposed to a terrorist act at the Eiffel Tower

- Major scandal at the royal family in Britain

- Egypt will be governed by a woman starting in 2010

- Iranian nuclear issue will be settled after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad steps down

- Israel will cease to exist as a country, instead the Jews and Palestinians will unite and the country will neither be called Israel nor Palestine

- Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in danger

- President Musharraf of Pakistan is in danger will not survive for too long

- Major French scandal affecting the Elysee Palace, and President Sarkozy

- Iran will interfere in the United Arab emirates and will break up the union between the emirates

- Saudi Arabia will be exposed to terrorism

- Turkey will drown in a sea of blood

- Syria will experience successive failed coups, but the last coup will succeed and the Syrian regime will change .

- Iraq will be divided into four States

- Lebanon will become one of the most prosperous countries in the region and work will begin in 2009 on exploration of oil in Lebanon, and Lebanon will be able to pay off all its debt.

- The issue of the displaced Palestinians will be not be resolved

- Israel will attack Syria . The United states will intervene and arrange the return of the Golan Heights to Syrian ownership but Syria will lease these back to Israel as part of the agreement


Rockets from Lebanon hit Israel amid Gaza offensive

Rockets hit Israel from Lebanon

NAHARIYA, Israel (Reuters) – Several rockets fired from Lebanon struck northern Israel on Thursday, slightly wounding two people, police and medics said, in an attack seen as linked to Israel's war on Hamas Islamists in the Gaza Strip.

Initial fears that Lebanon's powerful Hezbollah guerrillas might have launched the attack dissipated after an Israeli cabinet minister pointed the finger at Palestinian groups.

Israel hit back with artillery shells in what an Israeli army spokesman called a "a pinpoint response." The limited reaction appeared to signal a desire to avoid escalation.

There were no reports of casualties in Lebanon.

Three hours later, Israeli emergency services reported another blast, but the military said this could have been a sonic boom from an Israeli plane, not a rocket impact.

An Israeli cabinet minister blamed Palestinians in Lebanon, not Shi'ite Hezbollah guerrillas -- with whom Israel fought a war in 2006 -- for firing the rockets.

"I think these are isolated incidents," Rafi Eitan, a senior minister in Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's government, said on Israel's Channel 2. "We expected this."

A Lebanese minister also said he doubted Hezbollah had fired the rockets, which came from an area controlled by U.N. peacekeepers and the Lebanese army, 3 km (two miles) north of the border. Hamas sources in Lebanon denied involvement.

The commander of U.N. peacekeepers in Lebanon called for "maximum restraint" after the border incident, and the Lebanese government criticised the perpetrators for violating the U.N. Security Council resolution that halted the 2006 war.

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli aircraft bombed targets across the Hamas-ruled territory, killing three militants and a woman. A civilian was shot dead during an army raid in southern Gaza.

The International Committee of the Red Cross accused Israel of delaying ambulance access to a shelled area of Gaza City where it found four small children in a home with 12 dead bodies, including their mothers, on Wednesday.

In unusually strong terms, the neutral agency said it believed Israel had breached international humanitarian law in the incident and demanded it grant safe access for Palestinian Red Crescent ambulances to return to evacuate more wounded.

U.S. backing for a truce proposal raised expectations of an end to an onslaught that has killed more than 600 Palestinians.

Israeli forces have been on alert in the north, anticipating that Hezbollah or Palestinian groups could fire rockets across the border to show support for Hamas and 1.5 million Gazans. Some 4,000 Hezbollah rockets hit Israel in the 2006 conflict.

Hezbollah is not known to have opened fire since Israel began bombing Gaza on December 27 with the declared aim of halting Hamas rocket attacks. Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has said his fighters are on alert for any Israeli attack.

In October, the Israeli army threatened "disproportionate" force against Lebanese villages if Hezbollah fired rockets.

One rocket punched a hole in the roof of a home for the elderly in the Israeli resort town of Nahariya, where medics said two people were slightly hurt and several suffered shock.


In the occupied West Bank, Israeli police shot and killed a Palestinian who tried to set fire to a petrol station at a Jewish settlement, police said.

Gaza residents described an overnight bombardment east of the city as among the heaviest so far. In the south of the strip, tanks advanced toward Khan Younis town, witnesses said.

Palestinian medics said Israeli soldiers shot a truck driver dead and wounded another as they headed through the Gaza Strip to pick up U.N. supplies at the Erez crossing. There was no immediate U.N. comment. The Israeli army said it was checking.

Israel has accused Hamas of deliberately trying to disrupt aid as part of propaganda efforts, charges the movement denies.

An Israeli soldier was killed on Thursday, the army said.

Although Israel pressed on with the offensive, it has said it accepts the "principles" of a European-Egyptian ceasefire proposal. The United States urged Israel to study the plan.

Israel's assault resumed after a brief pause on Wednesday to help Gaza's inhabitants stock up on much-needed supplies. The army planned a similar three-hour lull on Thursday.

Twenty Palestinians were killed on Wednesday, medics said, including three children in an air strike on a car. The total Palestinian death toll has reached at least 666, according to medical officials. U.N. officials say many were civilians.

Eleven Israelis have died in the past 13 days, eight of them soldiers, including four killed by "friendly" fire.

With both George W. Bush's outgoing U.S. administration and President-elect Barack Obama speaking out on the need for peace, officials said Israel would send an envoy to Cairo to discuss how the Egyptian plan might be implemented.

That could take several days. For now, Israeli military commanders appear determined to keep up the pressure on the ground, even if the cabinet has put off a decision on a possible new phase to attack militants in Gaza's towns and cities.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice echoed Israel's concerns that any deal must stop Hamas from hitting Israel with rockets from the Gaza Strip. "It has to be a ceasefire that will not allow a return to the status quo," she said.

Israeli leaders face a parliamentary election in a month and will want to show the public that they have met that objective.

Over a dozen rockets hit southern Israel on Thursday.

Hamas said it was considering the Egyptian plan, brokered by France, which addresses Israel's demand that the militant group be prevented from rearming, as well as Hamas's call for an end to Israel's economic blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Tuesday's killing by Israeli shells of 42 people, including women and children sheltering in a U.N. school in Jabalya refugee camp, increased world pressure on Israel to call a halt.

Some Israeli analysts say Israel faces a deadline to wrap up its campaign by the time Obama is sworn in, or risk a strain in ties with Washington at the outset of the new administration.

European governments have offered to back the Egyptian ceasefire proposal with an EU border force that would prevent Hamas, which seized control of Gaza in 2007, from rearming.

Hamas called off a six-month ceasefire late last month, accusing Israel of breaking an agreement to ease supplies.

(Reuters - Additional reporting by Yara Bayoumy in Beirut, Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza and Allyn Fisher-Ilan and Dan Williams in Jerusalem; Writing by Alistair Lyon; Editing by Alastair Macdonald)